
More WikiLeaks: Netanyahu took Obama seriously, for a little while

Another report that the Netanyahu-Barak government was fluttered to the point of
defensive reaction by the prospect of Obama’s Cairo speech–

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the Obama administration just two weeks after elected to Knesset that he supported the idea of a land exchange and had no desire to govern Palestinian territories, according to a diplomatic cable released by the online whistleblower WikiLeaks on Sunday.

“Netanyahu expressed support for the concept of land swaps, and emphasized that he did not want to govern the West Bank and Gaza but rather to stop attacks from being launched from there,” read a February 2009 diplomatic cable describing a meeting between Netanyahu and a delegation led by Senator Benjamin Cardin.

Luckily for them, he had no plan to follow up the speech except the uninstructed shuttle diplomacy of “listening” by George Mitchell.

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