
Khader Adnan is honored at Bil’in protest

Today marked the seventh anniversary of protests by the village of Bil’in, in the occupied territories, of Israeli confiscation of village land to make way for a Jewish settlement, but the focus of today’s demonstration was imprisoned hunger striker Khader Adnan.

Adnan has completed 61 days of a hunger strike to protest his administrative detention without charges by the Israeli authorities.

As you can see in my video, there was a stiff breeze on the hillside– and plenty of tear gas and skunk gas from the Israeli soldiers. But protesters carried the activist’s picture, and wore Adnan masks, and one man even wore a pasted beard to honor the hunger striker.

A group of young people who managed to get to the wall graffiti’d Adnan’s image there too, in black paint.

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As you can see in my video, there was a stiff breeze on the hillside

Does that mean you were in Bil’in yesterday? Good you tell us.

So our dear oracle isn’t right, you aren’t presented with a highly remunerative contract somewhere and are already in the process of signing it. ;)

Phil- you were in Bilin?! Could’ve said hi ;)