
New Mexico Jewish Federation mounts pressure against Sabeel conference, but it won’t stop me

Sabeel Join us in Albuquerque

I’ve already bought my plane ticket to attend Albuquerque’s very first Sabeel Conference at the end of this month. I’ve just been informed the local Jewish Federation has been aggressively lobbying members of Albuquerque’s Interfaith communities again to distance themselves from the conference. This didn’t just start now. It’s been going on for months.

The original venue for the conference was the Episcopal Cathedral of Albuquerque, which had offered to host the event but succumbed to pressure from Rabbi Art Flicker of Congregation B’nai Israel of Albuquerque; and last June the Episcopal Cathedral backed out, reneging on its contract.

The latest target of pressure has been a prominent Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Richard Olona, who has a history of leadership in interfaith relations and is one of the sponsors of the event. Rumor has it he keeps getting phone calls asking him not to participate in the conference but thankfully remains committed to the importance of FOSNA’s mission, their core theological values and will be attending the conference. And he is promoting the conference among the churches in the Archdiocese.

Although Sam Sokolove, the Executive Director of Albuquerque’s Jewish Federation, (the president of Hillel at UNM) pressured the New Mexico Conference of Churches into not endorsing the conference, several representatives members will still be attending.

Sabeel’s conferences are brilliant, and as usual organizers have announced a stellar line-up of speakers for this year’s conference (luminaries!) such as Rev. Naim Ateek, Ali Abunimah, Palestinian analyst Nadia Hijab, Miko Peled, Jeff Halper, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, JVP’s Sidney Levy, Dr. Mark Braverman, Bekah Wolf, Pamela Olson and many many others!  Albuquerque’s  FOSNA committee have been working tirelessly all year long.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned over these last few days in the wake of the Jerusalem vote at the Democratic convention, it’s that what’s happening in Israel/Palestine is of concern to a full spectrum of Americans across ethnic lines. This conflict can no longer be considered any kind of ‘in house’ affair catering to the sensitivities of the Jewish community or for that matter Arab American sensibilities (as C Span’s camera focus implied).

Our country is in a vice grip between rightwing Israeli policy and a pliant Congress  beholden to conservative Jewish Americans and Israeli counterparts. Regardless of the wishes of millions of Americans or the intentions of our elected president when he took office– to halt settlement growth while the parties focused on resolution– this grip over the process continues to dominate the agenda and push for yet another war as a diversion. Insinuations of anti-Semitism intended to silence the opposition are no longer tenable. And there’s never been a time more ripe for exposing the truth.

We are faced with a community in denial. A recent report in New Mexico’s Jewish Federation newspaper characterizes as blatantly biased the statements below,  made by a Sabeel co-sponsor, Les Field, an anthropology professor at the University of New Mexico. Field spoke about “Israel and Palestine: The Statehood Question” at an event sponsored by the Albuquerque chapter of the United Nations Association:

He said that Jewish outposts, settlements, are not legitimate by inter- national law. None of the settlements are legitimate. Israel has no intention of allowing a Palestinian state of any kind to be built and that the wall does not enclose Israel’s ambitions.

Ya don’t say? Wake up.

That report of Field’s speech was made by Gail D. Goodman. Her column was called “Delegitimizing Israel in Albuquerque.” (PDF). And her conclusion was …you guessed it..anti Semitism!

First, I think that there are many events just like this taking place regularly at UNM and in other venues sympathetic to the deligitimi- zation [sic] of the State of Israel and promoting a thinly veiled anti-Semitism.

Well, sorry, but if exposing the truth amounts to ‘delegitimizing Israel,’ a concerned people’s responsibility is not to cover up what is happening, but to fix it. The continued expulsion of Palestinian people from their homes and land has not abated. We desperately need more lectures from people like Field. This is not the time to be silencing people, it is the time to listen, learn, engage and face the truth. Because our politicians are not going to stand up and demand change until we make them.

Goodman goes on to rally the Jewish community against the Sabeel conference.

Secondly, an event is scheduled for September 28-29, 2012 at the Im- manuel Presbyterian Church, in Albuquerque hosted by Sabeel. According to their website Sabeel is “a grassroots, international, ecumenical peace movement founded by Christian Palestinians in Jerusalem. … Their vision is to create a just peace based on spiritual, moral, and legal principles, including international law.”


Based on what I experienced attending this United Nations Associa- tion’s program, the Jewish community must be a presence at what appears to be an unabashed deligitimization of the State of Israel and a comfortable anti-Semitism.

Friends of Israel, as well as members of the Jewish community, cannot let speakers like Field go unchallenged in his blatant bias and decontextualization of the peace process. Based on this UNM program, I expect the Sabeel conference, billed as “Justice: the Path to Peace in Palestine- Israel” to be two full days rather than a mere two hours of this fervent ideology of the destruction of the State of Israel.

We cannot move past this ideological gridlock so long as continued settlement growth is not understood as illegal (it is) and those who object to this growth are portrayed as bigoted (we aren’t)? Where do Palestinians find a voice in this discourse? Silencing is no longer an option.

I hope Gail D. Goodman comes to the conference. I hope the whole of Albuquerque comes to the conference including the Jewish Federation of New Mexico, representatives of the New Mexico Conference of Churches, members of Episcopal Cathedral of Albuquerque, Rabbi Flicker and Rabbi Rosenfeld, members of the determined interfaith community as well as all the many secular people who desire an end to this conflict.

It’s going to be a fabulous conference otherwise I wouldn’t be flying in from California to attend. If you’ve never been to New Mexico (a place I am passionate about, they do not call it the land of enchantment for nuthin’) this is an excellent opportunity to make your first visit.

Hope to see you at Immanuel Presbyterian Church, which graciously will be hosting the conference September 28 & 29.

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Thank you for your work. May the Force be Strong With You, Annie!

This is an excellent piece, Annie. I can’t believe how much the Israeli lobby tries to twist arms to not let the truth be exposed. I guess I would too if I knew the truth would set people free. I really see the tide turning and it’s because of honest, moral, and patriotic people like you and the whole MondoWeiss community who are at the forefront of it all. You will go down on in history as revolutionaries, I’m certain of that.

Oh and the part about NM being a land of enchantment, you’re absolutely right. I had a discussion with some colleagues just today regarding monsoon season and the thunder show that comes with them.

RE: “Israel has no intention of allowing a Palestinian state of any
kind to be built and that the wall does not enclose Israel’s ambitions.” – attributed to Les Field

SEE: “A Serial Obstructionist”, By Rachel Tabachnick, ZEEK – Forward, 3/15/10

(EXCERPTS)…Shortly after Vice President Joe Biden’s arrival in Israel, Netanyahu and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat were the headliners at Pastor John Hagee’s two-hour Christians United for Israel (CUFI) extravaganza at the Jerusalem Convention Center. . .
. . . Monday’s CUFI production was based on the concept of “biblical Zionism,” or the belief that God mandates nonnegotiable borders of Israel , and any leader or nation who thwarts this divine plan will be cursed. Before introducing Netanyahu, Hagee stated, “World leaders do not have the authority to tell Israel and the Jewish people what they can and can not do in Jerusalem.” He added, “Israel does not exist because of a decree of the United Nations in 1948. Israel exists because of a covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. . . The settlements are not the problem.”
In his books and sermons Hagee has promoted a “greater Israel,” that will reclaim all of Israel’s former biblical territory,

stating “In modern terms, Israel rightfully owns all of present-day Israel, all of Lebanon, half of Syria, two-thirds of Jordan, all of Iraq, and the northern portion of Saudi Arabia.”
At the Jerusalem CUFI event Hagee described Ahmadinejad as the Hitler of the Middle East who could turn the world upside down in 24 hours, words similar to those he made when lobbying for the attack on Iraq…
…During a performance by singer Dudu Fisher, the God TV camera panned to the audience and centered on Joel Bell, leader of Worldwide Biblical Zionists. WBZ is currently building a center in Sha’ar Benjamin for “facilitating absorption” of Christian Zionists into the West Bank. It was established after a joint meetingheld in Texas of the Board of Governors of World Likud led by Danny Danon, and World Evangelical Zionists led by Joel Bell. Speakers included ZOA’s Morton Klein. . .


• ALSO SEE: “Hagee’s Gifts to Pro-Settler Groups” [Ariel (settlement), $500,000], by Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam, 2/12/10 LINK –

• AND SEE: “Recruiting Brecht to Whitewash Occupation”, by Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam, 8/26/10

“We cannot move past this ideological gridlock so long as continued settlement growth is not understood as illegal (it is) and those who object to this growth are portrayed as bigoted (we aren’t)?” …. why the question mark, Annie…are you questioning something here? if so, what? has this not been long ago established as fact?

part of holding izrael accountable is keeping the language consistent. for example, the words “settlers” and “settlements” are misleading. both words must reflect the criminality inherent in them. “settlements” should always consistently be preceded by “illegal” because they are illegal. international law is law, period. and “settlers” should always consistently be replaced with “criminals” or “squatters” or “illegal immigrants” or “land thieves”or just “illegals”. if everyone makes a conscious effort to use the correct language to call a spade a spade each and every time, there is no way to silence us. the pro-izraelis can scream all they want, cancel events, get in our faces, throw hysterical tantrums…but they cannot stop the truth, nor the growing awareness of this truth which is reinforced by and reflected in the correct language. insisting on this correct language hammers in the truth, it bombards people when heard repeatedly, non-stop…and very soon an immediate association between “settlers”/”settlements” and criminality takes hold with a firm grip that’s not easily forgotten.

too often i don’t encounter this correct language in either writing or speaking, rather i’m once again exposed to the commonly used words of “settlers”and “settlements”. such wording tolerates izraeli crimes. it lets izrael off the hook and ignores reality…as if it’s so long-standing that the criminality of any or all of it no longer matters due to apathetic complacency. incorrect wording downplays the magnitude, severity, frequency and relentless defiance of law while simultaneously, it weakens the crimes committed, even normalizes them…and it also weakens the battle for exhausted Palestinians. izrael fabricates enough lies and fake excuses, we should definitely not make milk and cookies out of the daily crimes they’re really doing.

we should always reference the multitude of violations against international law as a backdrop to izraeli crimes to keep them in the spotlight.

Annie get your gun. Boy, when you decide to ride and mount up, you’ve got a flank of flags beside you. Timing’s perfect, Little A. Maybe you could voice-record your reports from Albuquerque.

Insinuations of anti-Semitism intended to silence the opposition are no longer tenable. And there’s never been a time more ripe for exposing the truth.

Yeah. I’m hearing and seeing that.