
Romney brags he’s got Netanyahu’s campaign consultants (and he’ll shoot you before telling their secrets)

Just when it’s supposedly anti-Semitic to talk about the fact that neocons are working for Mitt Romney, Mother Jones has published a surreptitious recording of Romney at some fundraiser in which he pretty much destroys his candidacy with a lot of stupid statements about government programs– and also says he’s got Netanyahu’s braintrust working for him: 

I have a very good team of extraordinarily experienced, highly successful consultants, a couple of people in particular who have done races around the world. I didn’t realize it. These guys in the US—the Karl Rove equivalents—they do races all over the world: in Armenia, in Africa, in Israel. I mean, they work for Bibi Netanyahu in his race. So they do these races and they see which ads work, and which processes work best, and we have ideas about what we do over the course of the campaign. I’d tell them to you, but I’d have to shoot you.

I think Romney is referring to the secretive and mysterious Arthur Finkelstein. Sheldon Adelson was to meet with him earlier this year in New York to talk about a SuperPAC. And the Times said he was working for Netanyahu in 1996, to destroy the two-state solution. Which is still Adelson’s main chore. NYT:

And he [Finkelstein] has helped craft simple, similarly stinging television advertisements for Benjamin Netanyahu, the conservative challenger to Prime Minister Shimon Peres.

These commercials contend that Mr. Peres would divide Jerusalem between Israel and a Palestinian state and would return the Golan Heights to Syria with virtually no concessions; they close with the slogan “Making a Secure Peace.” The implication is that peace under Mr. Peres would be riddled with anxiety.

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“I have a very good team of extraordinarily experienced”
I think Bush said something of that nature while speaking at AEI [ I have stolen best of the best from your organization or You have provided this adminsitration with the most experinced public servants]
It did not turn out well even for him .He was blamed for Iraq debacle by these very brains who went out to claim that he did not listen to them.

my favorite thing about these videos is that some cater-waiter used the now ubiquitous smart-phone to record this and it is going to undo the plutocrats’ plans through their tool Romney … yea working-class! What these smug, condescending plutocrats forget is that the working-class are all around them all the time serving them – very close, watching, listening, thinking … and now, recording and uploading

From -NPR “NPR Politics8:08 PM – PublicThe presidential campaign of Mitt Romney has weathered several difficult days in a row. Last week, conservatives criticized Romney for remarks he made about unrest in Libya and Egypt. Over the weekend, a story in Politico revealed internal sniping within the Romney high command. On Monday the Romney campaign vowed to get back to substance. But their efforts may be thwarted by an article on the website of Mother Jones, which contained excerpts from a video secretly recorded at a Romney fundraiser, in which he disparaged supporters of President Obama”
And no mention of Israel or neoocns or Ntahhayoo!! Did I miss something.

Another exapmle of distraction and obfuscation or may be simply the exercise of freedom of expression with right to remain silent.

That’s one way to create no daylight between the two countries. But then the Republicans already let Netanyahu deliver a State of the Union address last year.

Finkelstein? Finkelstein?

I prefer Norman F (scholar, activist) to Arthur F. (pollster, spin doctor)