Media Analysis

Who Do You Honor?

Almost ten years ago, Mondoweiss was born when Phil Weiss decided to risk his journalistic career in order to tell the truth about destructive American policy in the Middle East—and its horrific human costs.

Today, one person’s commitment has blossomed into a far-reaching community, bringing to the world sterling reporting, incisive analysis, stunning photos and videos. Our mission is to provide Journalism That Powers Justice—and we hope and believe that often, we succeed at that mission. Our stories reach mainstream pundits and even policy-makers, although they don’t admit to it. (One of these days, ask me about how Mondoweiss turned up in Hillary’s email…)

But even as our influence spreads—thanks to our readers, who share what matters to them—I’m glad that in many ways our site still has many of the qualities of a small community. People who check for new content as part of their morning routine. Thoughtful discussions, in which issues and sources are scrutinized from many angles. And an ability not to take ourselves—or our political opponents—too seriously.

Our task now is to continue to grow and expand our reach, while maintaining our strengths and serving our community. Today Mondoweiss is poised to have more of an impact, and we owe it to advocates of sane, humane foreign policy and Palestinian human rights to seize that opportunity.

We’re soooo close! If we reach our $90,000 Challenge Goal by midnight tonight, we will receive $50,000 more from four generous donors. Please donate today so Mondoweiss can deliver even more eye-opening journalism.

Three weeks ago, some of our most generous and strategic donors told us they believed we could build a stronger organization—that the community we’ve grown would be ready to push us to the next stage. We worked with them with some trepidation to launch the year-end Challenge Campaign. In many ways, we still expect to cover the news using today’s equivalent of two tin cans and a string. Our challenge donors were challenging us not only to inspire donations, but to think big about what Mondoweiss can achieve.

So here we are, on the last day of the campaign, and we’re well over 90 percent of our goal! Thanks to so many of you, who believe in the importance of a responsible press, we’re within whispering distance of unlocking that $50,000 Challenge Fund. All we need is another 20 or 30 gifts—we could get there by noon!

For those of you who have not yet contributed, it’s not too late. Over the past few weeks we’ve shared the highlights of 2015 – the interviewsphotos and videos that we’re proudest of. Please check them out and share them.

I’ve also gathered some of the tributes we’ve received over the past few years; have a look at the bottom of the page to see some truly humbling comments. If you have not yet decided on a contribution, I hope these statements will inspire you to take action now.

The top of this post features an image showing a sampling of how our readers have dedicated their donations when they’ve sent funds to invest in Mondoweiss’s continued service. I can’t read those messages without feeling the enormous responsibility we’ve taken on. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to help Mondoweiss reach the next level. We are privileged to be part of your team.


Adam Horowitz,
Co-Editor, Mondoweiss

P.S. Reporting on a shoestring is possible, and Mondoweiss has proved it. But the people of Palestine deserve a press that can cover every important event, and can spread the news as far as it needs to go, using the best available technology. Thank you for helping us continue building Journalism That Powers Justice.

“The writers at Mondoweiss have given themselves the assignment of doing what the mainstream press refuses to do: provide reliable information and analysis about the Middle East. Nobody told them to do it. In fact, a lot of people told them not to do it. Yet they do it every single day. Mondoweiss is a lifeline and I am so grateful.”
Naomi Klein, author of “The Shock Doctrine” and “This Changes Everything”

“I rapidly came to appreciate how much hard information as well as well-argued opinion about the Middle East problem is available here. Above all I find Mondoweiss a representative of genuine anti-racism.”
MHughes976, site commenter

“Mondoweiss is a rare beacon of free speech and insightful analysis. But more than that, the site is a vital tool for raising awareness in the US about the struggle for Palestinian rights. Make no mistake, Israel, its lobby and its well-oiled spin machine know that every report, opinion and analysis published in Mondoweiss strikes a blow at their still-solid supremacy in the mainstream media.”
Omar Barghouti, human rights activist and co-founder, Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement

“An indispensable voice in the search for justice and peace in the Middle East.”
lonely rico, site commenter

“Anyone who cares about improving America’s standing in the Middle East must be deeply grateful to Mondoweiss’s editors for all they have done—and continue to do—to encourage honest and open discourse on these critical issues. If you value the pursuit of truth as a tool in developing rational, humane policy, please join me in supporting Mondoweiss.”
John Mearsheimer, R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago

“Mondoweiss has been the antidote to an Orwellian thought control movement, where those voices who would speak truth to power have been heard, and power’s responses have been parsed.”
David Doppler, site commenter

“Day after day, year after year, Mondoweiss documents the facts and expresses our movement’s ideas. And because the site has hard-earned credibility and millions of readers, Mondoweiss’s words are even more powerful than those of a private individual like myself. As advocates of Palestinian human rights, we need Mondoweiss for arguments, facts and insights, and to make the world see, listen and understand.”
Steven Salaita, scholar and victor in academic freedom battle

“Mondoweiss opens minds hearts & eyes”
michelle, site commenter

“Mondoweiss is a crucial source of information for all kinds of people—from those just learning about this issue to committed experts. The breadth and quality of the coverage is just that good. Every contribution to Mondoweiss is vital in giving grassroots activists the information to speak knowledgeably and persuasively.”
Rebecca Vilkomerson, Executive Director of Jewish Voice for Peace

“The media prominence of Mondoweiss and its solid reputation has given our forum a huge significance that has accelerated change beyond our wildest dreams.”
Anonymous site commenter

“So happy you are here Mondoweiss! You provide much needed light on subjects that have been kept hidden and in the dark for too long. Thank you for the stories, the history, the sadness and even humor that is glaringly absent from the mainstream media.”
Marnie, site commenter

“Mondoweiss has been invaluable in keeping me and our entire activist community updated and invigorated. Mondoweiss’s editorial and investigative work lets readers around the world know what is happening in Israel/Palestine. The site’s continuing efforts are a critical part of the movement for change—for real, lasting justice in the Middle East.”
Cindy Corrie, activist and mother

“Mondoweiss is a great space to analyse the Zionist condition in all its dysfunction and to reaffirm that it is not going to last.”
seafoid, site commenter

“Mondoweiss has become an invaluable source of information on Palestine. Mondoweiss has stepped in when corporate media refuse or fail to cover stories of Israel’s denial of Palestinian freedom.”
—Diana Buttu, Ramallah-based analyst, former advisor to Palestinian negotiators

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seafoid? i miss seafoid.

it was wonderful reading all these nice things people wrote. thanks to everybody supporting us.

“Phil Weiss decided to risk his journalistic career in order to tell the truth about destructive American policy in the Middle East”

Some people risk their time and energy to make a pile of money. Phil risked his to fight for justice. Clearly the world needs more fighters for justice, especially with so many piles of money fighting against it.

And thankfully some people with significant money also support the fight for justice. The world can be transformed, but not easily.

Mondoweiss is a good example for the world.

Mondoweiss continues to be a shrill, angry, and thoroughly dishonest voice that defames American Jews on a regular basis, [..] stays silent on violence against Jews in Europe, one of the important human rights issues of our time. It has spawned a community of like-minded bigots, who continue to discredit the cause of human rights by taking up the cause of a people and region who don’t begin to practice them in any meaningful sense, while dumping on the one place in the region that does practice human rights. Today, ten years after the beginning of Mondoweiss, every premise on which the site is based has been thoroughly disproven. Of course, its central antisemitic conceit that Jews bore special responsibility for the Iraq War was never more than dog whistling in the first place. But its other conceit, that the Middle East’s pathology had something to do with the region’s only Jewish state is but a sad joke in an inflamed region where Sunni and Shia fight in a regional war that has nothing to do with Israel, the one stable state in the region, and everything to do with tribal strife that is hundreds of years old.

“Almost ten years ago, Mondoweiss was born when Phil Weiss decided to risk his journalistic career in order to tell the truth about destructive American policy in the Middle East—and its horrific human costs.”

Respect, also I couldnt but notice when watching Mr. Weiss’ amazing interview with Ghada, that he has very big man hands, with which i should not like to be hooked in the head with, thus really respect Mr. Weiss.

also Annie

“the added benefit of reminding us how much we rock.”

ok a cold shower wont cut it i am jumping in the frozen river Ilen.