‘No Wars for the Billionaire Class’: A look at a possible Sanders foreign policy

As the Democratic primary intensifies there has been increased focus on Bernie Sanders’ foreign policy outlook. In addition to questions about his advisors, there has also been discussion of what a possible Sanders foreign policy could look like. Earlier this week we reported on political scientist Stephen Pampinella’s vision of a “post-hegemonic” foreign policy. There has been discussion in other venues as well. Writing in the Washington Post Katrina vanden Heuvel says “The country deserves a far broader debate about American security” than has taken place so far and urges Sanders to promote a “new, real security agenda” that challenges climate change, global economic policy and U.S. policy promoting regime change.

Daniel Denvir conducted a survey of liberal and progressive foreign policy analysts for Salon to try to identify a “Bernie Doctrine.” He mostly just found confusion:

“Both parties essentially agree on the need for us to continue on our interventionist path,” emails James Russell, a professor of National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterrey. “This is utter madness.”

Russell continues:

“Sanders is missing an opportunity here to separate himself from the ‘corporate’ mindset of the Democratic foreign policy establishment — which is really the Council of Foreign Relations — a group full of people who were cheerleaders in the Iraq War —  the greatest strategic disaster for the US since Vietnam. Sanders has correctly identified the critical issue of today on the domestic front — which is income inequality and the impact of corporate money in politics, but he’s not carving up the low-hanging fruit in foreign policy.”

I put the question of what a possible Sanders’ foreign policy could look like to Phyllis Bennis, the Director of the New Internationalism Project at the Institute for Policy Studies. Bennis shared the following via email:

A theme for Bernie’s foreign policy doctrine could be reduced to a very simple point that links directly to his longstanding focus on economic inequality: No Wars for the Billionaire Class.

That theme addresses issues of the overarching power of the arms producers, especially their over-paid CEOs (perhaps recalling an earlier era when war profiteering was actually illegal, as well as immoral), as well as the oil industry and the role of the US military in deploying troops and building bases all too often for the purpose of protecting the interests of and thus further enriching the already super-rich.

It’s a whole new 21st century way of understanding both President Eisenhower’s warning about the power of the  military-industrial complex, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s warning about the deadly triplets of militarism, racism, and extreme materialism.

On military aid to Israel & Egypt —

Sanders once said “I have a problem with appropriating $2 billion to Egypt and $3 billion to Israel. Let’s take care of some of the problems we have at home first.” He should reaffirm that, making clear that foreign aid is an important part of US policy, and should remain so.  But Israel is a wealthy country. And the entire $3.1 billion each year we send to Israel every year – anticipated to go up to $5 billion a year beginning in 2018 – goes directly to the military, already by far the most powerful in the region. Most of the aid to Egypt – about half of it – goes to the military also. Congress rightly restricted military aid after the 2012 coup, supposedly so that it could be sent only after Egypt made explicit steps towards democratizing. That hasn’t happened, so it’s unfortunate that the administration still decided to release F-16s, Harpoon missiles and Abrams tanks to the Egyptian military.

A Sanders administration would know that four and a half billion dollars worth of military aid could much better be used at home for health care, jobs, education, and more. Plus maybe some additional aid to poor countries who really need our help with some of their social crises.

On relations with Iran after the nuclear deal —

The nuclear deal with Iran is a great example of the power of diplomacy – present and future. It represents a huge victory of diplomacy over war. Sanders should reaffirm how crucial it is that we remain engaged with Tehran to insure that the terms of the deal are implemented on all sides.  Indeed we should be trying to expand the narrow terms of the deal to a broader new understanding with Iran where we share common interests in the region – such as ending the war in Syria, ending instability in Iraq, and beyond. I think Sanders believes that Iran’s government recognizes that Iran’s own interests should lead to easing tensions with the United States, indeed with the West as a whole.  And he certainly knows that any military action against Iran would threaten an incredibly dangerous, rapidly escalating war across the region and beyond – the only ones who would benefit from such action would be the CEOs of the arms manufacturers and the oil industry. A Sanders administration would commit to avoid that, and instead to always engage in the tougher, slower, less telegenic – but ultimately more fruitful – work of diplomacy to achieve our goals.

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MLK should have made that quadruplets: militarism, racism, and extreme materialism… and social injustice.

On the issue of foreign funding: Hello? The entire $3.1 billion to Israel goes to sustaining the Occupation! And the $2 billion to Egypt also goes to sustaining the Occupation next door by keeping in power a military junta that oppresses not only Palestinians but Egyptians as well! This is the face of Zionism: injustice for all, except Jews for Zionism, of course.

Yes I agree: Of all the clowns in the primary clown parade the only one who looks like he can keep us all safe and prevent WWIII is Bernie Sanders, but unless he is challenged to be more assertive on expressing these ideas, by distancing himself from Zionism, then I’m just not sure which direction he’s heading in; victory or loss.

Now, about that debate last night…(sigh)

Judy Woodruff, besides Donald Sussman and Soros you intentionally, conveniently left out Hillary’s biggest funder: the Sabans!

And of course we have Zionist Hollywood, the hedge fund managers and investment banks bankrolling her campaign as well.

Bernie should have mentioned that Woodruff left out her most important donor Saban. What a missed opportunity! But no, predictably he just let it slide!

He needs to be more balsy! When Hillary attacked him accusing him of acting like a Republican with his criticism of Obama; he should have responded: “And it’s very difficult to differentiate you from Republicans on matters of foreign policy, special interest funding and transparency!” But noooo!; again Bernie just let this magnificent opportunity to trounce her accusation roll on by.

Oh Bernie! Get rid of your Achilles Heel, Zionism, that’s holding back all that unexploited potential!

Hillary is so scripted, so disingenuous; I just can’t stand her. Her foreign policy is totally Zionist-sucky. She should move to Israel and run for leadership there. At least there she’ll be a major improvement over anything they have to offer.

I wish an activist daughter of a Palestinian murdered by Israeli soldiers would rise up and send Bernie a video like this.


Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

All good points! I find foreign aid particularly galling considering how the budget for things like food assistance get cut repeatedly. Food is a basic need. Several places in the country need water–clean, running water. And health care. I’m having to deal with that in a major way right now, and I can attest that we have no “system.” “The health care system” is an oxymoronic term. Even with insurance, I have spent hours trying to mediate between the insurance company and “the provider” and ambulance companies. And threats from hospitals and doctors about collections.

Here’s the thing about health care: the President of the United States (Obama) offered to help the Vice President of the United States with medical bills so the Vice President would not have to give up his house in order to pay for his son’s medical expenses.

Anybody see a problem with that?

What chance do I have when the Vice President needs help with his son’s cancer treatment?

I have to deal with cancer treatment, too.

(And this is AFTER Obamacare was in effect.)

Tell me how secure Americans should feel when the American President has to offer to help the Vice President with medical expenses!

We got a bill for $450 to $500 to see a specialist for a 15 minute consult. The insurance company paid 37.50 and we paid 40. What kind of farcical “system” is that? What if I had to hire someone to go to the grocery store to negotiate the price of milk from $255 to $1.99? That’s essentially what’s happening.

I have been dealing with this for months and it’s truly appalling. And exhausting.

One of my comments to the NYT today was about Hillary’s stating that her ‘favorite’
leader is Nelson Mandela. How ironic – the very face of the anti-apartheit movement!
Yet she promised she’ll invite Netanyahu to the WH on her first day as president.
Needless to say, I still don’t see my comment posted.

Was so great to hear Bernie bring up the horrific history of the U.S. genocide in Vietnam, overthrowing a democratically elected leader in Iran and came out swinging about Clinton claiming that he voted for the military intervention in Libya. I believe he voted in favor of it going to UN.

Hope he goes much further with Obama’s (Clinton’s warmongering in LIbya and Syria. How disastrous and deadly it has been.

What the hell is up with Maollary criticizing Sanders for criticizing Obama on issues that should be criticized. She just wants Sanders and all of us to shut up, get in line and start marching. For those of use who worked our asses off for the Obama campaigns we earned our right to criticize some of this deadly policies. Even if you did not work your ass off you have that very right to criticize our leaders…it is your birthright. WTF.

And then Hillary claiming numerous times now that she fucking initiated the Iran deal. WTF is that about?

Let’s hope that Bernie picks up the Leveretts as his top middle east policy advisers. Can folks think of anyone better to be at the top of the foreign policy list for Bernie?

I probably shouldn’t comment. I’m a Kiwi and U.S. politics belongs to you guys but from where I sit and from what I understand of the system, I suspect Bernie has some baggage he cannot eject at this stage of the game. He is, however, subtly projecting the right message.
I don’t think the electorate is ready for a declared platform of disengagement with Israel and such a platform could be hazardous to one’s health, in realtime.
I find myself trusting the guy’s integrity just as I did Obama’s so who knows. Maybe I’m just steeling myself against a possible one-term Jimmy Carter style Presidency during which the machine grinds every good intention into pulp.
One thing I am reasonably sure of is that the struggle will not end with a Sanders Presidency