‘Palestinians ought to be free’ — Cornel West’s historic moment

Last weekend the Democratic Party platform committee rejected two changes to the draft platform that would have mentioned the occupation and settlements as obstacles to peace and called for the rebuilding of Gaza because of the degree of human suffering there. During the debate of the amendments, Cornel West, a Bernie Sanders proxy, spoke eloquently for the Palestinian question, describing it as the issue of our time. To no avail.

If there was a Palestinian occupation of Jewish brothers and sisters, we ought to be morally outraged. If there is an Israeli occupation of Palestinian brothers and sisters we ought to be morally outraged. This is a moral issue. It’s an issue of our time, and it has spiritual and moral implications. It’s not just about politics. Not just about the next election. And for the younger generation it is becoming more and more what Vietnam was to the 60s or what South Africa was for the 80s. [Rousing cheers]

Democratic Party, you’ve been in denial too long, Palestinians ought to be free….

[In Gaza in 2014] over 2000 were killed and over 500 babies killed and not a word from our political elite.

What is going on in this country What is going on among our elite, are we so paralyzed? Are we so debilitated by either the money flowing or indifference in our hearts, I would hope not. That’s what the legacy of Martin Luther King and Dorothy Day and so many others was all about….

If we are not able to deal with that then we’re in the same condition this party was in 80 years ago when it didn’t want to deal with Jim Crow, didn’t want to deal with lynching, locked in a state of denial and saying, Somehow these Negroes are going to make it through with this misery. We refuse. I refuse to reach that conclusion.

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What did you expect from those agents of zionism, most democratic big wigs, including the Clintons, are since long bought puppets of AIPAC and other zionist groups. They would never bite the hands that feeds them, not even dogs do it!

Right to the bone.

If there was a Palestinian occupation of Jewish brothers and sisters, we ought to be morally outraged. If there is an Israeli occupation of Palestinian brothers and sisters we ought to be morally outraged. This is a moral issue. …

He’s right: It is a moral issue. Unfortunately, Zio-supremacists and their supporters are hateful and immoral hypocrites who, when it comes to I-P:
– despise justice, accountability and equality; and
– believe that Jews are entitled to do unto others acts of injustice and immorality they wold not have others do unto them.

I guess this will be the closest the Palestinians will ever get to have some support from American politicians and party. The shekels speak louder than doing what’s right for people who have suffered for decades. I always thought the Democrats had more compassion for human beings.

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