
One Friday in Gaza

Friday, February 23.  10:00 pm

I stared at Yousef al-Dayah’s selfie. High cheekbones. Light brown hair, much of it under a baseball cap. Thick eyebrows slightly raised, lending an air of surprise to an otherwise pensive, soulful 14-year-old face.

The Great Return March earlier that day had been a blur of action. Ribbons of tear gas and repeated bursts of live fire, sometimes followed by shouts of “Someone’s wounded!” Was the last of these incidents that I witnessed the moment that Yousef had been shot in the chest and killed?

I had started my day at 6:00 am with a long run on the beach. Surf meeting shore drowned out the buzzing of weaponized drones as I navigated around pipes spewing raw sewage into the sea.  But the waves couldn’t block the two thundering explosions that reverberated as I neared Gaza’s seaport. There was no one around for me to gauge reactions in order to determine the source.

An hour later, I was sitting at one of Gaza City’s beach-side hotels, having breakfast with my colleague Fadi, his wife Safa, and their children, nine year-old Ali, five-year old Karam and one-year old Adam. The two older boys were running around the near-empty restaurant playing war games, fingers substituting for guns. Knowing the context of these boys’ lives, I winced when Ali pinned his little brother to the ground and “executed” him with a finger to the back of his head. Karam obligingly played dead for a few seconds before springing back to life, chasing Ali.

A woman playing in the sea with her children.

I turned my attention to the window, which afforded a good view of the shore below. A woman in full abaya (robe) and hijab (head scarf) was wading into the sea. Her two children followed and soon the family members were splashing one another as the kids scampered back and forth from the water to the sand. My eyes scanned a few meters south, where four children playing on the beach had been killed in the 2014 war by shelling from Israeli navy boats.

That afternoon, Fadi and I headed to Malaka, east of Gaza City, so that I could observe the “Great Return March.” The weekly demonstrations at the barrier separating Gaza from Israel began on March 30, protesting the Israeli siege on Gaza, and demanding the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their native villages. According to al-Mezan Center for Human Rights, nearly 200 Palestinians have been killed since the start of the March, and over 14,000 others wounded. Fadi buckled his flak jacket as we walked towards the lush green fields on which the separation fence had been erected. Fruit, vegetables and olive groves had once grown here, Fadi explained to me, but in recent years, Israeli soldiers shot at farmers they deemed too close to the barrier.  Farmers began growing wheat, which required little maintenance aside from planting and harvesting, thus reducing their risk. Since the start of the demonstrations, however, the fields could not be used for agriculture at all.

The demonstration had yet to get fully under way. A few hundred people, the majority of them children (girls and young women among them), hurled stones towards a metal fence approximately 150 meters away, as Israeli army jeeps drove back and forth along the dirt road just beyond. “You see those mounds of dirt?” Fadi pointed them out to me; they looked like massive ant-hills. “That’s where the snipers are.”

Two boys, no older than 11 or 12, carried tires to further fuel a plume of black smoke, as the distinctive pop and sizzle of tear gas canisters permeated the air.

And then, a sharper crack. “Live fire,” Fadi said.

A moment later, the protestors all dashed towards one spot, as shouts of “Someone’s wounded!” rang out. I zoomed my video camera on the mass of youth. Moments later, medics emerged from the crowd, carrying a young man on a stretcher. I caught a quick look at his bloodied leg as the stretcher passed us en route to a waiting ambulance. Media cameras jostled each other to get a better view as the medics loaded the youth into the ambulance.

I turned my attention back to the field. A handful of kids were running closer to the barrier, darting back when tear gas enveloped them.  One teenager triumphantly grabbed a freshly shot canister, gas still spouting forth, and hurled it back towards the jeeps. I was so intent on filming this moment that I almost missed the sound of live fire, followed once again by calls of “Someone’s wounded!”  I shifted my camera towards the demonstrators running to the site of the injury, with medics emerging with the wounded on a stretcher.

A young man with a brown Adidas T-shirt caught my eye. I noticed his metal crutches immediately, but it took me a moment to realize that his right jeans leg was pinned up above his knee.  He agreed to an interview, wrapping a black and white kuffiyeh around his face to conceal his identity.

His name was Atallah, he told us, and he was 18 years old. He had lost his leg at this very encampment on April 13, 2018. He returned to the protests four months after his release from the hospital. He comes to encourage the other youth to protest, and cross the barrier. “They’re afraid of the occupation,” he said.

“You’re not scared?” I asked him.

“No. I’m not afraid of death, I’m only afraid of God.”

Atallah insisted that his life has not changed at all since the amputation of his leg, even when Fadi pressed the question. “No, no, it’s just the same as before. I am moving, running, and walking, the same as anyone else.”

Atallah made his way on his crutches towards a group of children and youth slinging stones with slingshots at an armored car, black smoke billowing.

Approximately 4:00 pm–the sound of more live fire.  I directed my camera towards the cry of, “There’s an injury!” when a tear gas canister landed a few meters behind us. The wind carried the gas in our direction. Eyes burning, Fadi and I decided it was time to leave. We headed to his car, passing a group of chanting adults marching towards the field. The numbers had swelled to several thousand since our arrival.

I checked the time–I was late for my reunion with Munir and John.  I had first met Munir and John 15 years ago, in Munir’s taxi.  I’d remained in touch with Munir, but had not since seen John, an American aid worker. A few days before, John had informed Munir that he was coming to Gaza, and Munir wanted to host us both. Fadi dropped me off at the meeting point, and within minutes Munir was driving John and me in his battered yellow Mercedes taxi to his home, as we reminisced about the day in October 2004 in which we had met–in that very car.

Jen, Munir and John outside Munir’s taxi.

There had been a large military operation in Gaza and Erez crossing had been eerily quiet.  I had climbed into Munir’s taxi with John and a European journalist named Lina. The road leading from Erez had been sealed off by the Israeli army, which had built in its place a raised dirt road, lined by tanks—one of which opened fire on us.

“Back up!  Back up!” Lina had shrieked as she, John and I crouched on the taxi floor.  Munir, his knuckles white on the steering wheel, threw the car into reverse; the tires churning sand helplessly before taking grip and allowing the Mercedes to back out of range of the tank fire.

I reminded John and Munir what Lina, red-faced, had sputtered once the shooting had stopped:  “I’ve been shot at by the Serbs, by the Chechans, by the Croats…but this is the only time I’ve been shot at by a democracy!”

Lina had not returned to Gaza since then, Munir told us.  John laughed. “I guess being shot at by a democracy once was enough for her.”

We reflected on the changes in Gaza since the last time we had been together in Munir’s taxi. Hamas rule of the Gaza Strip, three devastating wars, the tightened siege.  The conversation turned towards the explosions I had heard on the beach that morning. Munir said they had been rockets shot by Hamas into the sea.  “For ‘testing,’” he explained.

After lunch, we sat in Munir’s salon drinking coffee. Munir’s dark-eyed son Waseem told me he was turning 11 years old on Tuesday—would I come for his birthday?

“I would love to, Waseem! What kind of present do you want?”

“Nothing, just for you to come,” he answered, but then, after more reflection: “Whatever gift you want to give me.”  And then, whispering shyly in my ear a few minutes later: “Did you decide yet what my gift will be?”

I had one other stop to make on my way home. I had been invited to the wedding of Shareef’s brother, Ahmad. Shareef, his wife Hedaya, and their young children Mohammed and Maria welcomed me warmly. I watched the family celebrate, thinking about Zain. I first met the family in 2015, in relation to an article I was writing for Al Jazeera America. Shareef and Hedaya’s three-year old son, Zain, had had a congenital heart ailment and needed follow-up surgery in Tel Aviv. The Israel Security Agency had a condition:  Hedaya must agree to “cooperate” with them—code for becoming an informant. Hedaya refused, and Zain was unable to get to Tel Aviv for his surgery. Eventually, Shareef and Hedaya had managed to enter Egypt during one of Rafah crossing’s rare openings, and travelled to Turkey where Zain’s heart surgery was performed. There were complications; Zain died a few days later.

Yousef Aldaya

The wedding ended, and I returned to Fadi and Safa’s home, intending to go right to sleep. Fadi greeted me with somber news. 14-year-old Yousef al-Dayah had been shot in the chest and killed at the Malaka encampment of the Great Return March. The time of the shooting was around 4:00 pm, the same approximate time as the final shooting we had witnessed.  I sat on the couch staring at Yousef’s selfie on my phone. His eyes, his arms emerging from his T-shirt as he reached out to snap the self-portrait. Thoughts of Yousef merged with images from the day. The mother and her children splashing each other in the sea. Atallah’s bravado as he insisted that his life had not changed, his jeans leg pinned where his leg used to be. The rockets exploding into the sea–possible harbingers of a new war that many in Gaza fear is impending.  Waseem shyly coaxing me to tell him what his birthday present would be. Hedaya and Shareef dancing, pain still visible in their eyes.

I finally tore my eyes away from Yousef’s selfie, closed the phone, and stretched out on the mat to sleep, as weaponized drones buzzed overhead.

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Thank you for this extremely powerful chronicle, Jen. This allows everyone not present to look through your eyes (and other senses) and see many painful truths/realities that too many ‘westerners’ and Israelis are shielded from.

I used to bookmark a lot of articles. Then I realized that nearly every day that the sun rises, another atrocity is committed by the apartheid Occupiers and that I would never run out of honest material. I do save some~ yours is one and so is this from Hagai el- Ad from Sept 2018:

“Who in Israel Cares About Another Dead Teen in Gaza? …

Amir’s mother fainted in the hospital. She fainted on her son’s dead body, surrounded by family members. When she woke up at home, her cries were heartrending, but they didn’t bring her 14-year-old son back to life.

These cries don’t echo. Who in Israel cares about another dead Palestinian teenager, and in Gaza yet? Another “uninvolved civilian” joining the statistics, faceless and nameless, without a photo on the front page, without a life story, without a mother who sees the bloody head of her dead son and faints. …

In Israel, the interest in dead Palestinian teenagers is limited to the quality of paper on which our investigative and legal system types its polished whitewashing documents. It’s important that the paper be the kind that can absorb and hide bloodstains, and it’s important that what’s printed include a sufficient dose of long sentences, the kind that have no meaning but whose purpose is unequivocal: to wrap a life that was cut off in legal absorbent cotton. That will ensure that the killing will gleam with perfection, and that the investigation will bury the body of the blood-spattered Arab.

After that summer in Gaza in which we killed over 500 teenagers and children, the state comptroller examined the quality of the paper. Earlier this year the comptroller published a 120-page report examining “the Israel Defense Forces’ activities in terms of international law, mainly regarding the examination and monitoring mechanisms of the civilian and military leadership.”

It’s a very clean, sterile report, which of course cites from the previous pile of reports on the subject, and anyone who cites from it in future reports will probably allude to it properly in the footnotes – footnotes not mentioning the selfie that Amir and his friend Luay were taking on the rooftop of that Gaza building in July, shortly before they turned into collateral damage in a very successful surgical strike. After that the IDF spokesman bragged that this was one of many expressions of the IDF’s intelligence and operational capabilities, “which will become deeper and stronger as necessary.”

In the videos published by the army, you don’t see Amir and Luay before the missile strike and don’t hear their cries getting deeper and stronger, if they managed to cry out at all. You only see the people who risked their lives and arrived on the rooftop a few minutes later. They didn’t know precisely in how many minutes the bomb would be dropped that would redeem the building from its suffering, and still they climbed up and tried to take care of the dying boys. But then they were forced to flee for their lives when the second missile hit the roof.

At that moment, filmed from the air in the army video, they look like a fan of black spots after suddenly scattering, a fan that opens to the sky, and at its heart is a spot where the bodies of Amir and Luay are lying. …

In the state comptroller’s report, the aspect that preoccupies Israel’s legal-military-political elite regarding the bodies of Palestinian teenagers appears right at the beginning. This comes even before your fingers become calloused from turning so many pages or are cut, God forbid, by the sharp edges of, say, page 100, where there’s something about “examinations to locate unusual incidents that require investigation.”

The reader recalls a finding – what was it? – on page 5. Oh, yes, “464 unusual incidents; that is, incidents in which uninvolved citizens were allegedly harmed and damage was caused to civilian property.” So that was 464 unusual incidents? Just a minute, exactly how many incidents have to occur for them to stop being “unusual”? When does the unusual become routine? …

And what is that “proper functioning of the investigative systems?” An investigation of the unusual incidents. Because if God forbid we don’t have exceptions, what will we investigate and what reports will we publish and throw in the face of all kinds of hostile international agencies that have the chutzpah to try to interfere in our affairs? After all, without “exceptions” what we have is a blatant situation of routine killing and the bodies of dead teenagers, bloodstains that cannot be absorbed, and scandal. And since when will dead teens from Gaza cause a scandal for us?

And those exceptional Palestinians, whom we’re killing in Gaza, are definitely “our sovereign affair.” Actually, there’s a great deal of logic to that, because to successfully administer Gaza, in a sense the largest prison in the world, we use all kinds of methods to disperse demonstrations and suppress uprisings. Methods that run the spectrum between shooting bullets – precisely of course – and dropping bombs – surgical of course. Do you know of any other country where someone interferes in the administration of its prisons?

So to prevent international agencies from interfering, we have to clean the blood thoroughly while maintaining meticulous international standards. And why is it important that they not interfere? Because “the international repercussions that could stem from harming uninvolved civilians” might affect “the IDF’s ability to achieve its goals in combat.”

Well, it’s a fact that there are large numbers of “uninvolved civilians” in Gaza. We’ve killed them and will continue to do so. But if they don’t die in an “exceptional” manner, we won’t be able to continue with “combat” and to kill, in an exceptional manner, additional “uninvolved civilians.” And then the administration of the prison would be removed from our sovereign control. You there, Amir and Luay, sitting at the edge of the roof and taking a selfie on a hot summer evening, did you understand that? …

In August, an article in Haaretz expressed concern for the snipers at the Gaza border fence “who shot at dozens of people at close range, for hours at a time, saw them falling and heard their cries.” But the snipers, according to the story, “have not received any specific handling by their units,” referring to psychological counseling.

Does anyone in the military prosecutor’s office recommend treatment for the lawyers exposed to trauma? After all, these are young lawyers tasked with, in their own sense, burying hundreds of dead. Despite the broad use of copy-paste from one file to the next, whitewashing the killing must last “for hours at a time.” Do they receive any counseling in their unit, at the prosecutor’s office, for closing files?”

The entire article is well worth reading. It’s probably not behind the paywall anymore. I hesitate to post the rest of it due to its length. Hagai el-Ad is one of the most important voices from Israel and B’Tselem is doing heroic work, imho. He was vilified by Danny Danon, Netanyahu, and others for his invited testimony @- the UN Security Council on 10/18/2018. For those who have not seen or read his testimony, you can do both here:

The better news today is that the UNHRC has issued a damning report about Israel’s actions at the March of Return protests. Sadly, it does not stop Israel’s targeted assassinations and maimings.

“UN says Israel’s killings at Gaza protests may amount to war crimes
Inquiry accuses army of killing demonstrators ‘who were not posing an imminent threat’…”

“Israel should face justice for unlawful Gaza protest killings: U.N.” by Stephanie Nebehay and Dan Williams. Reuters, Feb. 28/19.

GENEVA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) – “Israeli security forces may have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in killing 189 Palestinians and wounding more than 6,100 at weekly protests in Gaza last year, United Nations investigators said on Thursday.

“The independent panel said it had confidential information about those it believes to be responsible for the unlawful killings, including Israeli army snipers and commanders. It called on Israel to prosecute them.

“’The Israeli security forces killed and maimed Palestinian demonstrators who did not pose an imminent threat of death or serious injury to others when they were shot, nor were they directly participating in hostilities,’ it said, adding that the protests had been ‘civilian in nature.”

“The victims included children, journalists, and a double amputee who was in a wheelchair.

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the report and accused the U.N. Human Rights Council, which launched the probe, of hypocrisy and lies fueled by ‘an obsessive hatred for Israel.’

“Israel has said its forces opened fire to protect the border from incursions and attacks by armed militants.

“Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the findings confirmed that ‘Israel conducts war crimes against our people in Gaza and the West Bank, including in Jerusalem.’

“The International Criminal Court should act immediately and investigate the matter, he said in a statement.

“Protests at the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip began in March last year, with Gazans demanding Israel ease a blockade of the enclave and recognition of their right to return to lands their families fled or were forced from when Israel was founded in 1948.

“The panel found that 183 of the 189 protesters were killed with live ammunition. It voiced deep concern at the undisclosed rules of engagement drawn up by Israeli civilian and military leadership that ‘apparently permitted live fire at demonstrators as a last resort…and to shoot at the legs of ‘main inciters.’

“Israel’s notion of ‘main inciters’ does not exist in international law, it said.

“Some 122 wounded have had a limb amputated, including 20 children, it said.

“No Israeli soldier was killed at the protests, although one was killed on a demonstration day but not at a protest site, while four were injured, the panel said.

“An Israeli military spokeswoman disputed this, saying the soldier was killed during a riot nearby that was ‘designed to draw in soldiers so as to attack them.’

“The report, covering March 30-December 31 2018, was based on hundreds of interviews with victims and witnesses, as well as medical records, video and drone footage, and photographs.

“On May 14, Israeli forces killed 60 demonstrators, the highest one-day death toll in Gaza since a 2014 military assault, the report said.

“Amnesty International said in a statement: “Those responsible for these deplorable crimes must not go unpunished. The findings of this report must pave the way for justice for victims of war crimes.”

“U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet should share the findings with the ICC, the investigators said.

“Israel is not a member of the ICC nor recognizes its jurisdiction, but the Hague-based court opened a preliminary investigation into allegations of Israeli human rights abuses on Palestinian territory in 2015.

“The Gaza Strip, a coastal enclave controlled by the Islamist group Hamas, is home to 2 million Palestinians. Israel withdrew its troops and settlers from Gaza in 2005 but maintains tight control of its land and sea borders. Egypt also restricts movement in and out of Gaza.

“’Some of these violations may constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity and must be immediately investigated by Israel,’ said panel chair Santiago Canton, an Argentine legal expert.

“’Our investigation found that the demonstrators were overwhelmingly unarmed even if they were not at all times peaceful,’ he told a news briefing.

“Thirty-five children, two journalists and three ‘clearly-marked’ paramedics were among those killed by Israeli forces, in violation of international humanitarian law, it said.

“’We are saying that they have intentionally shot children. They have intentionally shot people with disabilities, they have intentionally shot journalists,’ said panel member Sara Hossain, barrister at the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.

“’We found that one person, a double amputee, was shot and killed as he sat in his wheelchair. On two separate days, two people visibly walking on crutches, were shot in the head. They were killed,’ she added.

“Israel says its forces have at times come under gun or grenade attacks during the protests.

“Panel member Betty Murungi also said Gaza authorities should stop the use of incendiary kites and balloons, devices that destroyed Israeli farmland.

“’The call by a U.N. panel to bring Israeli occupation leaders to justice is evidence that occupation forces conducted crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip,’ Hamas official Ismail Rudwan told Reuters in Gaza.

“Israel and Hamas have fought three wars in the last decade.

“Additional reporting by Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza and Ali Sawafta in Ramallah; writing by Stephanie Nebehay; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky”

‘In August, an article in Haaretz expressed concern for the snipers at the Gaza border fence “who shot at dozens of people at close range, for hours at a time, saw them falling and heard their cries.” But the snipers, according to the story, “have not received any specific handling by their units,” referring to psychological counseling.’

I don’t suppose concentration camp staff got any help for their PTSD either. (It wasn’t called that in those days, but it existed.) Are we supposed to feel sorry for them, too?


“Africa to back Palestine this #IsraeliApartheidWeek”
Feb. 28/19

“The African continent is set to come alive between the 1st and 7th of April in support of Palestine. This year’s 15th international #IsraeliApartheidWeek (IAW) will be held in more African countries than ever before including Zambia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia, Kenya, Mozambique and several others.

“’Africa For Palestine’ is this year’s continental theme for #IsraeliApartheidWeek, wherein the campaign will focus on, among other things, the historic relationship between African liberation struggles and that of the Palestinians. The PLO and Palestinians have long been a friend to African liberation movements and countries, having provided us with military training, financial resources and various other forms of support and solidarity in our fight against Apartheid and other anti-Colonial struggles. Israel, on the other hand, has supported oppressive regimes on the continent.

“IsraeliApartheidWeek (IAW) is an international series of self-organized rallies, protests, lectures, cultural performances, concerts, sports events, films and workshops held annually in over 250 cities, communities and campuses across the globe. #IsraeliApartheidWeek has previously hosted the former Chairperson of the African Union, National Speakers of Parliament, South Africa’s former President as well as several Cabinet Ministers, Mayors, Members of Parliament, artists, sports people as well as well-known musicians, comedians. and entertainers. #IsraeliApartheidWeek is endorsed by more than 110 African based organisations, trade unions, embassies, youth movements and other groups including the continents oldest liberation movement, the continent’s largest student movement and some of the continent’s largest trade unions.

“The success of #IsraeliApartheidWeek lies in your involvement! Click here, if you belong to an African-based organization and would like to participate in this year’s campaign,

“The PLO and Palestinians have long been a friend to African liberation struggles and countries, having provided us with military training, financial resources and various other forms of support and solidarity in our the fight against Apartheid and other anti-Colonial struggles.”

“Want to know more about the campaign? Click here to read an article by last year’s #IsraeliApartheidWeek Africa Convener, Michia Moncho.”

For media interviews with the #IsraeliApartheidWeek Africa Team, please contact:
Palomina Jama, #IsraeliApartheidWeek Africa Spokesperson [ +27813974268]
Rashaad Yusuf Dadoo, #IsraeliApartheidWeek Africa Convener [+27823134227] // // //

if you don’t want to die, get away from the fence!
that’s why it needs a 10 meter high and 50 meter below ground wall all the way around the entire border