
Last night I had the strangest dream

Last night I had the strangest dream. My country had turned into a Christian nation, and everybody who wasn’t part of the church, lost most of their rights.

Suddenly, only Christians could drive on our nation’s major highways. Only Christians could buy property. Our legal system had split into two forms of justice, one for Christians and one for the nonbelievers. In fact, nonbelievers were put under military justice, with few rights and long prison terms for being another religion. Even their children were routinely rounded up and sent to jail.

Some of the prisons for the nonbelievers were immense open air camps behind barbed wire. Christians could shoot into such camps at will, often killing men, women and children. Their fields were destroyed and we cut their food supply to keep them all at the brink of starvation. We didn’t let them fish in international waters and routinely shot at their boats. Life for millions of non-Christians was made short and brutish, a sort of punishment for not being of the right faith.

A funny thing had happened to my Christianity. I knew my religion was full of wise teachings, but I couldn’t remember any of them. Now my beliefs were nothing but love for my country and hatred for all non-Christians. I didn’t allow anyone to challenge my beliefs either. To me, anyone who questioned what my country had become were simply anti-Christians.

Last night I dreamed my country had turned into Israel.

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Thankfully for you it was only a dream. Thousands of miles away, people are living this nightmare which never seems to end, generation after generation.

RE: “Last night I dreamed my country had turned into Israel.” ~ Fred Nagel

MY COMMENT: It Can’t Can Happen Here!

SEE – “Thy Will Be Done: Brasil’s Holy War” | Brasil Wire | October 18, 2018
A fifty year foreign battle to combat Catholic Liberation Theology in Brazil promises rich rewards for the vested interests which initiated it, at great human cost.
LINK – http://www.brasilwire.com/holy-war/

The US is a sort of Zionist entity. The Indigenous nations are the Palestinians of occupied North America.

” I knew my religion was full of wise teachings, but I couldn’t remember any of them. Now my beliefs were nothing but love for my country and hatred for all non-Christians. I didn’t allow anyone to challenge my beliefs either. To me, anyone who questioned what my country had become were simply anti-Christians ”

Your dream is becoming reality in ..Hendon with the “full-throated approval” of a mostly Jewish audience, it was movie night “Homelands” by Katie Hopkins and former UKIP MEP Janice Atkinson was top of the bill. Aren’t you a lucky boy, “wise words” who even remembers such.

“Katie Hopkins gets warm reception as she calls Islam ‘single biggest threat’ to Europe:
JC reporter Ben Weich was there to hear the mostly Jewish audience members praise the right-wing agitator”


Yes. I wrote a “thought-experiment” for Jews, describing Canada if it were a Christian state in the same way that Israel is a Jewish state.