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Now is a great time to donate to Mondoweiss

Your donation will be tripled!

Mondoweiss is one of the few news organizations that covers the struggle for Palestinian rights in a U.S. context. By publishing news and analysis ignored by mainstream media, we supply critical information that fuels the movement for justice in Palestine and Israel.

But this has been a challenging year financially and Mondoweiss is facing a budget shortfall. Fortunately, during the current spring fundraising drive many of you have stepped forward to help us meet a $30,000 challenge.

Inspired by your generous support, a Mondoweiss supporter has sent us a “flash match” challenge: If we can raise another $5,000 by this weekend, this friend will double it. That means for every $1 we receive this friend will add $2 – up to $10,000. 

If you have already donated during this campaign, you have our deepest gratitude. If you haven’t, this is a great time to leverage your gift so that it goes three times as far. And if you’re a monthly donor, any increase to your recurring contribution will also count toward this challenge.

Please consider a donation to Mondoweiss today to keep us on the front lines for justice in Israel and Palestine. 

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I’m already a donor, but I would pay extra for the ability to go to a Mondoweiss article and see all the comments and replies to it displayed in full, without having to click on anything to uncover or expand them, just as they were displayed in the old days. It would be even better if the list of articles showed the number of comments posted on each one, again as in the old days.