
Israel’s prime minister says settler violence is ‘marginal’

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett says settler attacks are carried out by a "marginal" few, when in reality this violence is the product of the entire Israeli apartheid system.

Israel views settler violence “severely” and it is taking steps to tackle the phenomenon, the country’s Public Security Minister Omer Bar-Lev said Monday when he met in Jerusalem with U.S. Under-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. The declaration comes in the context of a 150% increase in Jewish settler-colonialist terrorization of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories between 2019 and 2021. Defense Minister Benny Gantz already convened an emergency meeting last month with senior figures of the defense establishment to discuss this rise.

These attacks emanate primarily from illegal Jewish-Israeli colonialist outposts, and are often euphemistically dubbed “hilltop youth” attacks. But Haaretz’s military analyst Amos Harel quoted an official dispelling the notion of a few lawless bored brats:

“These are not attacks by bored children,” a senior security figure told Haaretz this week. “You have to call things by their name. In some of the cases it’s simply Jewish terrorism.”

And in Israel you can hardly say “Jewish terrorism.” That term is really considered radical.

Harel continues the citation:

“I don’t rule out the possibility that we will see another deadly attack, like the murder of the three members of the Dawabshe family in Duma [a village near Nablus] in 2015. This trend is also harming the country abroad. There is no meeting with foreign ambassadors in which the phenomenon of the attacks on Palestinians doesn’t come up.”

So, this is all very serious, it’s not child’s play, and real children’s lives are at risk.

But Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett jumped in to say it’s just a “marginal” issue. Bennett tweeted on Tuesday, following the news about Bar-Lev’s statement to Nuland.

There are marginal elements in every community, and they should be dealt with using all means, but we must not generalize about an entire community.

The Prime Minister’s ideological base is the religious-nationalist settler-colonialists of the West Bank. The image of a “liberal” who is more well-behaved than Netanyahu and “close friends” with Biden is extremely misleading, even though there are Labor members of the government, such as Bar-Lev. Bennett is a fundamentalist Jewish-supremacist who seeks to cancel out Palestine in the most polite way he can (or deems necessary), whether it involves “killing many Arabs” as he has boasted of doing in the past, or just relatively few…

Bennett’s marginalization of the issue was aimed at legitimizing and praising the settlers, his home-base. Thus he stated:

Settlers in Judea and Samaria [biblical names for West Bank] have suffered violence and terror, daily, for decades. They are the defensive bulwark for all of us, and we must strengthen and support them, in words and actions.

Bennett is implying that even speaking of this Jewish terrorism, which he would not God forbid call that, is weakening the settlers.

Minister of Interior Ayalet Shaked (known historically for her genocidal incitement), doubled down on Bennett’s praise for the settlers, and called them the “salt of the earth”. Shaked is number two in Bennett’s Yamina party (“Rightwards”), and she scolded Bar-Lev for even bringing up the issue, saying that he was “confused”, and that it’s the other way around – that it’s Palestinian violence one should be shocked by.

“I recommend you talk about this violence with Mrs. Nuland”, Shaked added (something which Bar-Lev in fact did, as mentioned, speak with Nuland about).

There are multiple attempts to do the “both sides” narrative here, in order to reduce the onus of Israel’s systemic settler-colonialist violence. While Bennett’s attempt is egregious and Shaked’s even more crass, Bar-Lev himself is also guilty of blaming. Thus, Bar-Lev pledged to Nuland that he will “continue to fight Palestinian terrorism as if there was no violence by extremist settlers, and the violence of extremist settlers as if there was no Palestinian terrorism.”

Victoria Nuland of the State Department meets with Omer Bar-Lev in Jerusalem on Dec. 14. From Nuland’s twitter feed.

This is coded language that is very historically loaded and symbolic, and it speaks loudly to Bar-Lev’s Labor-Zionist voter base. Bar-Lev is doing a parody on a famous Ben-Gurion quote from 1939, which came in response to the British “White Paper” that entailed a limiting of Jewish immigration to Palestine in attempt to mitigate tensions in Palestine. Ben-Gurion was against the limitation, and the British thus became the enemy while they were also an ally in the war. Thus he said:

 We will fight the war as if there were no White Paper, and we will fight the White Paper as if there were no war.

Like Ben-Gurion, Bar-Lev thrives on this duplicity, a typical Labor-Zionist hypocrisy which seeks to paint settler-colonialism as liberal. A person like that can congratulate extrajudicial execution of Palestinian suspects, as he did less than two weeks ago. Notice also the bias in Bar-Lev’s statement – there’s “Palestinian terrorism” vs. “extremist settlers”. “Terrorism” is all-encompassing when it comes to Palestinians, whereas when it comes to Jewish terrorism, it’s just “extremist settler violence”. Bar-Lev is actually doing the same thing that Bennett is doing with the “marginal” claim, it’s just a bit less obvious.

The saddest thing about all this is, that there are these games of “good cop – bad cop” and “both sides”, which serve to confuse the picture, and it allows Israel’s advocates to convey the impression that because Netanyahu is no longer ruling, Israel is now a liberal country.

Bennett’s comment about the “marginal” aspect is also misleading because these relatively few settler-colonialist thugs are backed by a big mechanism. Amira Hass of Haaretz, always on point, comments:

Bennett also makes us forget, in his comment to Bar-Lev, the great army of collaborators that these few assailants have among the settlers: They are the soldiers who defend the attackers or simply stand to the side when they assault Palestinians; the police, who don’t investigate or don’t bother to find suspects or who close investigations due to lack of interest to the public; the prosecution, which doesn’t file charges; and the settlement councils and government offices that fund the small number of supposedly violent individuals.

So no, this is not a marginal matter. It’s central, it’s huge, it’s encompassing of the entire Israeli establishment.

We need to talk about that Apartheid state of Jewish supremacy between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. There’s nothing both-sides about it.

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Since our colleagues at Hasbara U want to roll back the clock to 800 B.C., I propose that we do the same thing – to solve the problem of settler violence, roll back time to 1977, when Menachem Begin proposed allowing the Palestinians the choice of Israeli citizenship. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true –


14. Residents of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district, without distinction of citizenship, including stateless residents, will be granted free choice of either Israeli or Jordanian citizenship.

Israeli leaders have a reputation for lying, and downplaying the violence by their military. They try hard to paint unarmed Palestinian civilians as terrorists and a huge threat, while their well armed and trained military thugs are the harmless victims. Who believes this bullcrap anymore?

“Israel’s security forces are complicit in a “drastic surge” in violence committed by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, according to a new report that includes dozens of testimonies from former soldiers.
Breaking the Silence, an Israeli charity staffed by veterans, said its new publication shows that the Israeli military are increasingly part of sustaining an “ecosystem of violence” in the Palestinian occupied territories because they provide a “cloak of protection” for the settlers who are becoming more aggressive.”
“But according to BtS’s advocacy director, Ori Givati, their new report, which includes 36 testimonies from former Israeli soldiers stretching back to 2012, shows “that there is no action nor will from the government or the military to stop settlers from attacking”.
“This is part of a very well-planned strategic mission of the settlers to take over more and more of Palestinian land,” he said.
Data from the United Nations and, separately, data collated by Israeli rights group B’Tselem, shows a marked increase in violent incidents committed by Israeli settlers compared with previous years.”

The Independent

“Marginal elements”

“Settler extremism”

“Jewish settler-colonialist terrorization”

These are but a few of the Palestinian land-seizure and dispossession related euphemisms that Zionism has coined over the decades: aliya; Law of Return; “thickening of settlements” (expanding the borders of existing colonies as opposed to establishing new ones); “redeeming the land” and many more.

The point of all these terms is to angelize Zionism and demonize Palestinian nationalism.

Sometimes it serves Zionism to stop using a term or to fabricate new ones. Sometimes Zionists work to actively banish an existing phrase it finds problematic such as “occupied territories” and insist that the media use “disputed territories” instead. To accept any of this transparent duplicity is to be played by Zionism and the discourse would benefit immensely if Zionist propaganda were countered immediately and forthrightly with accurate and plausible terminology.

For the current topic, Zionist settler-colonial land seizures, I suggest we use the term that Palestinians and Israelis themselves have historically use: Judaization.

Here’s how Wikipedia explains the Judaization of the Galilee:

According to Oren Yiftachel, Judaization is a statewide policy that aims at preventing the return of the 750,000 Palestinian refugees exiled by the 1948 war … Judaization has also entailed the transfer of lands expropriated from Arabs to Jews, the physical destruction of Arab villages, towns, and neighborhoods whose inhabitants fled or were expelled in the 1948 and 1967 Six-Day War, restrictions on Arab settlement and development and the parallel development of Jewish urban and industrial centers, Hebraization of Palestinian place names and the redrawing of municipal boundaries to ensure Jewish dominance. Two main areas targeted by the Judaization strategy are the Negev and the Galilee.

This 1938 JNF poster makes very clear the colonial intentions of

This 1977 PLO poster sums up the Palestinian perspective on the subject of Judaization quite succinctly.

Q: Is it antisemitic according to IHRA to raise this point or to fail to raise it?

View 61 Palestine posters on the subjects of: Arabization – Hebraization – Judaization — Zionization – Islamization – Pan-Arabism

Illegal, brutal, racist, foreign sourced Zionist occupiers in action against essentially defenseless indigenous Palestinians:
Israeli settlers violently attack Palestinians’ houses in Nablus, injure several – Quds News Network (qudsnen.co)

Qud’s News Network, Dec. 17/21
“Israeli settlers violently attack Palestinians’ houses in Nablus, injure several”

Nablus (QNN)- “Extremist Israeli settlers critically injured several Palestinian residents of the village of Qaryout, south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank, after attacking their houses and sabotaging their properties on Thursday night.

“Local sources said large numbers of extremist Israeli settlers last night violently attacked Palestinians’ houses in the village of Qaryout, critically injuring several Palestinians who were rushed to a hospital to get urgent medical treatment.

“The settlers also sabotaged Palestinians’ properties after attacking and turning their houses upside-down.

“Local sources said the settlers tried to kidnap one of the residents. However, the residents of the village confronted the settlers to prevent them.
“There has been a sharp spike in settler violence against Palestinians and their properties in the occupied Palestinian territories.

“The violent acts include beating, throwing stones, issuing threats, torching fields, destroying trees and crops, stealing crops, using live fire, and damaging homes and cars.

“There are 280 illegal settlements in the West Bank, which are home to more than 440,000 settlers.

“In 2021, there were 135 recorded incidents of stones thrown at Palestinians, up from 90 in 2019, and 250 additional violent incidents, compared to 100 in 2019.”