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We are in the middle of a right-wing assault

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There is an enormous amount of blame to go around for the political moment we find ourselves in.

But one very evident pattern has emerged: AIPAC, the Democratic Majority for Israel (AIPAC’s group inside the Democratic Party) and other associated groups are throwing down enormous amounts of cash not just to beat candidates that criticize Israel – but any progressive candidate that might.

Mondoweiss has been beating the drum about the danger of AIPAC and its evolving politics since we began publishing over 15 years ago. Can you donate to make sure Mondoweiss continues to cover stories and trends as they emerge?

Perhaps the most egregious example is that of Jessica Cisneros of Texas. A pro-choice, broadly progressive challenger, she ended up losing by just a couple of hundred votes to Henry Cuellar, a pro-gun, anti-abortion “Democrat” who voted with Trump 75% of the time. Of course, his election was also helped along by the support of Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders, which put into sharp relief the disconnect between party leadership and its base.

The deciding factor may well have been the $2 million AIPAC invested in the race–despite the fact that Jessica Cisneros has never said anything publicly about Palestine.

This is a testament to our movements–Palestine has been so integrated into the progressive worldview that it is assumed if someone is progressive on access to abortion, education, or gun control, they’ll also be a foe of Israeli apartheid.

The mainstream media also has to take its share of the blame for the way it has covered AIPAC, DFMI, and the Democratic party’s approach to elections. Mondoweiss is an antidote to that coverage. Can you support Mondoweiss at this crucial moment?

More than ever, it is clear that groups like AIPAC and DMFI are not just backing pro-Israel candidates: they are using the debates around Palestine to try to prevent the left from gaining ground and to push a political world view that is breathtaking in its lack of care for peoples’ actual needs. That’s right in line with their endorsement of dozens of candidates who sided with the insurrectionists of January 6th.

They poured over $4.5 million into efforts to beat progressive Summer Lee in PA–and lost.

But too often the sheer amounts of money these groups are investing to oust candidates who make even mild critiques of Israel can make a huge difference in a race. These range from Nida Alam in North Carolina, who lost, to Andy Levin, a JStreet endorsee in Michigan, whose primary in August is neck-and-neck with his opponent, to the recent pledge of at least $1 million to defeat Rashida Tlaib. And the candidates that AIPAC and friends are backing are not just pro-Israel–they are the most conservative breed of Democrat across the board.

The need for clear and honest journalism will only intensify as election season does too. Can you donate today to make sure Mondoweiss continues to offer the insights and analysis you need?

The politics around Palestine are taking a bigger role than ever in U.S. politics this election year. Your support makes our critical work possible.