
New bill seeks to extend U.S. military benefits to Americans serving in the Israeli army

A new bill in Congress would extend some U.S. military benefits to the estimated 20,000 Americans currently carrying out the Gaza genocide as members of the Israeli military.

On May 17, legislation was introduced and referred to the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Cosponsored by Chief Deputy Whip Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) and U.S. Representative Max Miller (R-OH), H.R. 8445 went largely under the radar, a strange outcome given the real effect it will have on furthering U.S. support for the Zionist project – in this case through direct support for those wishing to serve in the Israeli occupation army.

What H.R. 8445 aims to do is make a series of amendments to programs that are ordinarily only available to members of the U.S. military — the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). These amendments would do something unprecedented: extend these programs to American citizens serving in the Israel Occupation Forces. 

The SCRA, the result of the Bush administration’s efforts to update the 1940 Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act (SSCRA), was passed in 2003. Its primary focus is granting active duty U.S. servicemembers legal and financial protections so that they can do the bidding of U.S. empire a little more worry-free. This act’s benefits include protections against default judgments in civil legal cases, reduced interest rates on any pre-service loans to a maximum of 6 percent, protections against home foreclosure, and more.

USERRA, enacted in 1994, is a multifaceted act that ensures U.S. servicemembers can return to their former places of employment after their service ends (with some exceptions) while banning employment discrimination because of past, current, or future military obligations.

In effect, H.R. 8445 is a measure designed to ensure U.S. legal and financial protections are being extended directly to U.S. citizens on the ground in Occupied Palestine as they assist in the ongoing colonization, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of Palestinians. The amendments it proposes formally bring U.S. citizens fighting in a foreign military into the fold, opening up further incentives for becoming an active participant in the Gaza genocide.

This effort is not necessarily surprising as the U.S. is putting its full weight into protecting and advancing the interests of its colonial outpost across the Atlantic. The Zionist project has long been sustained in part by settlers from the U.S., with more than 23,000 U.S. citizens serving in the IOF as of February 2024. This figure is bolstered further by the reality that an estimated 600,000 Americans were living in areas under Israeli control, including illegal West Bank settlements, prior to October 7. These settlers play key roles in advancing Zionist and, by extension, U.S. imperial interests. As such, it is no surprise that they have been consistently enabled to travel and settle in Occupied Palestine, being joined by billions of dollars in U.S. military and economic aid.

This act also only furthers a reality in which U.S. citizens are functionally incentivized to act as mercenaries for the Zionist colony, all while shielding them from the ramifications of their actions when they return home. The protections of the SCRA effectively ensure that U.S. citizens fighting in the IOF abroad are protected from foreclosure, get preferential interest rates for loans, and more – all benefits traditionally used to recruit U.S. citizens into its own military forces. It is the U.S. government’s way of telling U.S. citizens that it will look out for them should they put their bodies on the line for the Zionist colony.

USERRA on the other hand acts as the shield, ensuring that when these citizens return home from aiding a colonial military abroad, they not only have the option to return to their former places of employment, but are protected from “discrimination” based on their former service, stopping businesses that may want to avoid the hiring, retainment, advancement, and extension of benefits to those who willingly participate in the genocide of Palestinians, and the potential war crimes involved in this, from being able to do so. In this sense, the USERRA amendments actually play a role as an anti-accountability measure.

All in all, H.R. 8445 is one of many pieces of legislation that are being proposed to continue U.S. support for the Zionist project. It is not a change from the norm in that regard, but the effects of such legislation are genuinely startling for those trying to stop U.S. involvement in the occupation of Palestine and hold those responsible who participate in it. All this is being done, yet again, in the name of advancing U.S. imperialist interests – interests that are inextricably linked to the continued survival of the Zionist settler colonial project, and Zionism itself.

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I’m puzzled. Here in the UK, serving army personnel have been told that under no circumstances are they permitted to fight in the armed forces of another country. (Some were keen to fight in Ukraine.)

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA), in a recent statement.“This legislation will ensure we do everything possible to support these heroes who are standing with Israel, fighting for freedom, and combating terrorism in the Middle East.”

Mr. Guy Reschenthaler’s IOF heroes have been Aiding and Abetting Settler crimes against Palestinians for years; why do they deserve US Military benefits when they stand back and watch Settlers destroy $millions in food aid, slit the tires on 15 trucks and encourage their children to revel in the destruction? Many in the IOF should be rotting in JAIL along with Smotrich, Ben Gvir and Biby.
‘Israeli soldier’ from notorious unit confesses to US citizen’s killing.

In recordings obtained by The Grayzone, a self-proclaimed soldier from Israel’s infamous Netzah Yehuda battalion detailed his unit’s killing of a 78-year-old Palestinian-American, and flaunted his genocidal views. After announcing plans to sanction the battalion, the Biden administration has inexplicably pulled back.

Some of the friction going on at Emory Med School over IOF coming back to teach and work at Emory:

“…In a statement to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Emory spokeswoman Laura Diamond said: “Dr. Abeer AbouYabis is no longer employed or practicing at Emory, including the Winship Cancer Institute…” After Dr. Abeer made social media post about Oct.7, she was fired. However, Umaymah Mohammad, Emory MD PhD. student and Palestinian organizer, pointed out the clear hypocrisy of Emory Med.School supporting IDF soldiers allowed to ‘take leave’ to fight and kill in Gaza Strip, then return and teach at Emory Medical School…where she’s a student.

Good Lord! This may not be surprising to some, but it certainly is to me. Still, I should have known. It has been said, “AIPAC says ‘jump’ and Members of Congress ask, ‘how high?’ on the way up.”

According to an “In Focus” report by the CRS titled “U.S. Nationals and Foreign Military Service,”

U.S. nationals serving in a foreign military should be aware certain conduct may be considered a war crime.

These acts include genocide, among others. However, we are told that “the United States has never prosecuted anyone under the War Crimes Act.” I would imagine that the chance of that happening now are pretty remote . . . (i.e., the chance of prosecution, not the chance of war crimes.)

There are rules and then there are rules…depending on which side of the ‘fence’ you are.

No way, Jose! We should not be paying any US military people to be serving in any army other than the US Army, and especially not in an army that is fighting to take over another country and to marginalize the people who do not subscribe to their religion and philosophy.