Potential Obama Envoy Dan Kurtzer Had a Brother Living in a Settlement

Ynet is notioning 3 names for the job of Obama's Middle East envoy: Colin Powell, Dan Kurtzer, and Dennis Ross. I'm for Powell, because I think he gets it and despises the JINSA crowd. Ynet says of Ross and Kurtzer:

Both are Jews who served at the State
Department during the Clinton administration and are highly proficient
in the Israeli-Arab conflict.

What does proficient mean in the context of Palestinian statelessness forever? Ross campaigned on behalf of the settlements in the '92 presidential race, saying it was his boss George Bush's "achievement" that the settlement program hadn't stopped, then jumped over to work for Clinton. If you represent the pro-Israel Jewish community, you have 9 political lives. Look at Joe Lieberman. Do you ever have to pay for a criminal policy? Especially now that it's created apartheid?

As for Kurtzer, I've always liked him, but isn't it disqualifying if his brother is a settler who believes in Greater Israel? You'd never make it on a jury if you had family that was connected. The Jerusalem Post reported in 2006:

[Kurtzer] and his wife, Melissa, arrived from Dallas    along
four of their five children. They plan to rent a   
home in [the settlement] Ma'aleh Adumim for a year and will "be taking it    from
there," Benjamin said.

  The fact that Ma'aleh Adumim is over the Green Line
is    not a

problem for Benjamin and his family. "For us, there   
are no green

lines or red lines, it's all part of Israel,"   
he said.

   The policies his brother represented as ambassador    played

role in their choice of where to live. "[Daniel]   
was coming from

the diplomatic viewpoint and we were coming    from the
viewpoint," Benjamin said.

Thanks to Ira Glunts.

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