
Bias at Work: ‘Times’ Fronts Wrenching Foto of Dragged White Colonist While Israeli and English Press Focus on ‘Pogroms’ Against Palestinians

James North points me to this photograph at the top of the front page of the Times today, from Hebron, and says:

"I insist that this is unconscious bias. Why is this on the front page? You would have sympathy for her and see some faceless soldier dragging a human being away. Rather than see a colonist, who is not nearly in as much pain as other people in that area who run gauntlets of stone just to get their children to school, because of that woman's actions. And only later in the story do we read about the rampages by the settlers against Palestinians."

Compare to the Guardian's front page:  "Jewish Settlers in Hebron Shoot Palestinian Men" with the B'Tselem video of the horrific shooting.

While Haaretz gets the story: It's about "pogroms" against Palestinians. Pogroms. (The word I always use).

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