NBC Seeks Profit From Va. Massacre

NBC’s logo is everywhere today. The network is branding the Blacksburg, Va., killer’s posthumous documentation with its logo so we all know to whom the murderer sent the material in the mail. So the NBC peacock is right over Cho’s head on the front page of the Times and on rival networks. As if its possession of the stuff reflects on its accomplishments as a news organization. Is there anything a news network won’t try and make money from? Apparently not.

My first feeling seeing the crapulous tape on the news last night was, Burn it. What more are we going to learn about this sick monster from his first-person maunderings? O.K., archive it, let criminologists study it, but why give him the attention he so craved? Wipe his name from history. Did you notice he honored Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris of Columbine in his statement? Why not erase their names too.

(Thanks to Dan Swanson for the idea in Para. 1)


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