
Dan Senor has an agenda

TPM says that neocon Dan Senor, the commentator and Israel lobbyist (I’ve seen him at AIPAC) who recently published a book about how Israel is the great miraculous startup nation, is thinking of running for the Republican Senate nomination in NY and maybe taking on Mort Zuckerman, from the right. I didn’t know there was a right of Mort Zuckerman!

I find Senor frightening, and it’s weird that he just did a book on Israel being the startup economy for the world just before he might be raising money to run for Senate. Coincidence? TPM quotes a poll that it says Senor has commissioned that asks:

If you knew that the candidate had served the country in Iraq, would that change your opinion of them?

This is a reference to Senor being the mouthpiece for the Coalition Provisional Authority for a year. Jeez. Oh and what would a soldier say about that claim? Look at Iraq veteran Jon Soltz, taking apart Senor on Hannity & Colmes no less, for misrepresentations about Iraq. At 5:15 the fur flies.

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