
Rifle-bashing lieutenant-colonel solves Jewish problem created by Freud and my mother, says author of ‘Indecent Proposal’

Jack Engelhard is best known as the author of the novel “Indecent Proposal.” This piece justifying Shalom Eisner, the thuggish officer who bashed the Danish cyclist, is wild, but it’s also diagnostic of the modern Jewish problem, our love of militarism. From Israel National News (thanks to Elly Kilroy):

Where is it written that Jews have to keep taking it on the chin?…

There’s a terrific line in the movie “Rudy” where the Notre Dame (football) coach gives his troops the following pre-game pep talk: “Nobody…and I mean NOBODOY…comes into our house and pushes us around.” Well, nobody pushed Shalom Eisner around. He’s the IDF’s Lt. Col. who’s been making the front pages. They – the (brutish) humanitarians — came to his house, Israel, and rather than take any more verbal and physical abuse, Eisner went Bogie and gave a particular rowdy a “”facial” (hockey term) with his rifle.

…My guess is that Eisner lost his cool but momentarily…something like Shimon and Levi who also took care of business but on a much larger scale. Some may recall that our father Jacob was none too pleased, worried about the neighbors, but nobody’s bothered Dinah in quite some time. I also take it for granted that Eisner is a decent man who never did this before and will never do it again but to my mind…to me he is a hero…

Confronted by yet another anti-Semitic thug (and they keep on coming by air, land and sea) he lost his temper. Well it’s about time somebody did. Where is it written that Jews have to keep taking it on the chin? …

Freud talks about walking with his father along a busy street in Vienna when a brown-shirt type approaches and knocks the father’s hat into the gutter. The elder Freud does nothing except retrieve his hat from the gutter and the two, father and son, keep walking, never to mention the incident for the utter humiliation.

No wonder, then, that we admire guys who won’t take it anymore, even TOUGH GUYS.

No wonder that even though our mothers cautioned us to behave and warned us never to be like them, we admired American gangsters like Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky and Mickey Cohen because they were Jewish Gangsters whose business we did not want to know…but they took care of their own people….and that is all we needed to know. If only they’d been there for us in Europe!

The IDF takes pride in being the world’s most ethical military force. This is good. Watching Lt. Col. Shalom Eisner’s refusal to get pushed around…but instead offering a goon a taste of his rifle…this too is good.

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Makes me wonder just at what point would the apologists actually criticise Israel?

Would they apologise if instead of using his rifle butt, the officer had actually shot the cyclist? What about if the officer had shot the cyclist dead? What about if the officer had killed two cyclists? How about three? What about five?

I suspect the article above would have been essentially the same. A tragic accident, a good man loses it momentarily for the first time in his career, evil anti-Semites get what they deserve, makes me feel bad but good also, shows how wonderful the IDF is the rest of the time, appalling but entirely atypical incident hasbara hasbara hasbara…

Conclusion? People like Jack Engelhard suffer a complete morality failure when it comes to Israel. Israel can literally do no wrong in his eyes.

Oh we solved that particular problem years ago.
Funny that the Jews in the diaspora (not only Jews) are still finding the notion
of a Jew who can give a thrashing as something of a novelty.

Engelhard is obviously a dim bulb if he is unable to recognize Israel from Palestine, which is where Eisner came up against these terrifying cyclist thugs!
Or is it that a lifetime of zio-cult-indoctrination has disappeared Palestine from his consciousness?

Yes indeed. Why do Israelis have to keep taking it on the chin.

If the Israelis would let the Palestinians have their own airport, and control over their own visitors, no-one who wanted to visit Palestine would have to visit Israel at all, not even its airport. If Israel would get out of the WB, these confrontations need never happen.

It keeps coming back to the occupation, doesn’t it? By now (after 44 years and all that building of roads, housing, etc.) it sure looks as if Israel had long ago decided to make the land grabs permanent, doesn’t it? That’d be contrary to UN Charter — you know, acquisition of territory by use or threat of war inadmissible, and all that cha-cha-cha. Bit of a pity that no-one has made bold to seek to enforce the international law, doesn’t it?

“Nobody…and I mean NOBODOY…comes into our house and pushes us around.”

our house? where does he think this took place anyway? hellooooo