
Jewish success– is it ever a story?

This morning National Public Radio aired a story on the rivalry between Lawrence Summers and Janet Yellen to be the next Fed chairperson, succeeding Ben Bernanke. All three of these economists are Jewish. It is plain evidence of the fact that Jews make up a large segment of the new Establishment, if not the leading segment.

I had the same impression Friday night, when the nightly news was also filled with Jews. The sex scandals involving San Diego mayor Bob Filner and would-be New York Mayor Anthony Weiner– their pictures opened the NBC news. Then the lead story was food safety, and Nancy Snyderman was interviewing FDA head Margaret Hamburg, then Andrea Mitchell, who is married to a former chair of the Fed, was interviewing Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post about the sex scandals, and at the end of the broadcast they teased David Gregory’s interview on Meet the Press of Jack Lew, Treasury Secretary. All these folks are Jewish or have some Jewish background. They’re all in the center ring.

In recent months, I’ve heard Peter Beinart, Lester Crown, Jane Eisner, and Jeffrey Goldberg exclaim over Jewish success. Crown said that the acceptance of Jews “in almost everything is unbelievable, just remarkable, every place.” But it seems to me that Jews in the media have largely avoided dealing with the implications of our success. They’re embarrassed about it. Or they fear anti-Semitic riots if they say openly what everyone knows. The exception is Marc Ellis, who writes openly about Empire Jews.

This lack of reflection is unacceptable. Elites are traditionally criticized in the American discourse. It’s the price. David Brooks’s book about the “new upper class” is filled with slams of the previous order, the “WASPs,” but has nothing to say about Jews. Nick Lemann wrote a highly-acclaimed book on the meritocracy that described the last ruling elite in religious terms– as “the Episcopacy”– and said that the folks in it got there by birth. It seems to me that the Jewish presence in the establishment merits some scrutiny: what is the role of birth in awarding place in the U.S.? What is the role of social kinship networks? What is the extent of Zionist ideology in the Jewish establishment? And how do successful Zionist Jews justify adherence to an ideology based on separation/colonization when they have done so well here? I’m a liberal and I trust Americans to have this conversation. I don’t remember pogroms against the WASPs.

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This subject flashed through my mind as I read today’s front page article U.S. Balancing Act With Egypt Grows Trickier in the New York Times.

The story is about the American response to the Egyptian generals’ repression. It has a strong focus on how Israel’s pro-general viewpoint conditions American options. …The main source is an unnamed “senior administration official”, but reporter quotes four other sources. They are: Dennis Ross (!), Daniel Kurtzer (!), Tamara Cofman Wittes of the Saban Center, and Brian Katulis of the Center for American Progress. At least three of these sources are Jewish; I’m not sure about Mr Katulis.

Public discussion of I/P has almost become a dialogue among Jews, with a resulting impoverishment of points of view. That’s also true even of dissent from mainstream policies. I don’t think it’s easy for Philip Weiss to have this site, but a non-Jewish site with such candor would be totally anathematized. There are (or were) plenty of non-Jews who know the region and have intelligent contributions to make to the discussion, but they’re not granted standing.

I’m glad you brought this up. I was also struck by the fact that if the three economists were Muslims, we can be sure that someone in the mainstream press would mention it 1oo times a day.

Some tribal affiliations are more equal than others.

‘It seems to me that the Jewish presence in the establishment merits some scrutiny: what is the role of birth in awarding place in the U.S.? What is the role of social kinship networks? What is the extent of Zionist ideology in the Jewish establishment? And how do successful Zionist Jews justify adherence to an ideology based on separation/colonization when they have done so well here? I’m a liberal and I trust Americans to have this conversation. I don’t remember pogroms against the WASPs.”….Phil

Some help with your questons:

1)Do you see any succesful Jews in the US Political establishment that aren’t Zionist?
2) Do you see any successful Jews in the Media establishment that aren’t Zionist?

The Zionist are a cult, they help grease the wheels for fellow Zionist to get into Government, WS, Media, Academica, etc..
Picture them as a alien criminal version of the college boys Skulls & Bones fellowship.
Cults ‘justify” any hypocritical stands because cults believe they are something that others arent and know things other dont that and that specialness justifies any of what others would see as hypocrtical.
Zionist get a foot in the door, then hire zionist, promote zionist, recommend zionist and so forth….their success is not a mystery nor is it a meritocracy.
The WASP did the same thing except none of them went so far as to minipulate or endanger the nation because of a loyalty to a foreign country.

Every dog has it’s day, this too will pass. Society giveth and society taketh away.

I don’t remember pogroms against the WASPs.”….Phil

Now or in the old centuries? ASs were pretty good at doing pogroms on each other over lands, kings and countries.

Does that explain Jews DO control the media?

Too bad the author didn’t tener cojones to use his/her real name. What’s the forum’s opinion about this article [being a bit confused myself]?