
Guilty on Christmas

Christmas-TreeAll through Christmas I thought a lot about Ari Shavit’s declaration to progressive American secular Jews that we need Israel “like oxygen” in order to stay Jewish– and therefore we must support the Zionist project. Shavit is warning that without a strong pole for Jewish identity, we will assimilate, vanish into the American bread pudding.

The first and obvious answer to Shavit is that any religious identity based on supporting apartheid is not oxygen, it’s carbon monoxide. I would sooner be a 7th Day Adventist or a follower of the Assembly of God than Jewish if Jewishness were dependent upon being a member in good standing of the Israel lobby. Thankfully, it is not.

But I take Shavit’s point too. I’m proudly Jewish, formed by Jewish tradition, yet I can’t say that I am doing much to maintain the tribe in modern America. When I look at my choices lately, from buying a Christmas tree and gifts to singing “Silent Night” at a Christmas dinner to chatting with my in-laws about when they started identifying as “WASPs”, I see the reason that the enlightenment Jewish philosopher Moses Mendelssohn’s grandson was the Christian composer Felix Mendelssohn; mine are assimilationist choices. Adopted by millions of other intermarrying Jews, and you bet there will be no secular Jews left in a few generations, and the Orthodox will be the only reservoir of Jewishness in America, just as Shavit says.

Yet I feel little regret about my choices, and can’t imagine that the Jews making similar choices regret theirs. I like a wide American company; I spent the holiday with two other half-and-half couples and had drinks in the city with a Jewish friend who bragged on his “shiksa” wife. These are highly-personal questions, and I would no sooner proselytize assimilation to another individual than I accepted proselytizing on intermarriage by my original community.

A few other points in my defense:

–It’s not like my wife or my friends are very Christian. If they were, we wouldn’t be friends. They respect Christ as a teacher, but mock Christian religious claims and stay away from church. My spiritually-polyglot wife loves Christmas and calls it the Saturnalia, a pagan solstice feast, and last night was explaining ayurvedhic typologies to a formerly-Catholic friend who hates his church. If I were “staying Jewish” in this context, I would be very conservative indeed.

–A religion reflects the community it serves; and my community is simply too diverse for Judaism to suffice as the leading spiritual guide for my life. In fact, I see a miscibility of faith at every hand; and I am someone who needs spiritual guidance. For instance, in the last year I have lost two good friends, one Jewish, one lapsed Catholic, and both times I really needed to grieve in my friend’s community, and those communities were diverse: the Catholic community included interracial children, the Jewish shivas were led by a non-Jewish widow. The literary guides I seek out are also diverse, from Emily Dickinson to Kafka.

–Are you a cultural conservative? I’m not. When Shavit says that progressive secular Jewishness is threatened with extinction or when Bernard Avishai says that a one-state outcome is threatening the eastern European Jewish culture of Bialik and Agnon that exists nowhere else in the world, I’m respectful but not reverent; if they are right, in the end I have to shrug. Cultures come and go. There are great losses but presumably they are replaced by better things. It is the nature of traditions to be replaced; the people of New Guinea have lost scores of languages. Those thousands of secular American Jews who are making choices similar to mine do so not because they are stupid sheep but because they want to explore the world more fully (including seeking a wider pool for that most perplexing of choices, mate selection).

–If the price of maintaining Jewish traditions is support for religious nationalism, what is it worth? If the price of maintaining American Jewish progressive secular culture is high walls to prevent children mingling with non-Jews, where is the confidence or progressivism or democracy in that culture?

Getting off my back foot, I’d say that it is arrogant to assert that Jewishness will collapse if American Jews don’t support Israel. If we can say one thing about Jewish history it’s that its movements are hardly predictable. I could just as easily assert as a proud Jew that what’s killing Jewishness is tribalism, the requirement that young Jews support a nationalist militarist project that feels about as cool as the KKK. If that requirement were ended, who knows how Jewishness would reinvent itself. Sky’s the limit.

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I have never UNDERSTOOD why Mideast Christians have adopted the Christmas tree, something of possible Nordic origin.

I would think local traditions are more authentic.

You are contradicting yourself.

Thank you for sharing, Phillip Weiss!
It is such a pleasure getting to know you better as time goes by, through your writings. A privilege !

RE: “The first and obvious answer to Shavit is that any religious identity based on supporting apartheid is not oxygen, it’s carbon monoxide. I would sooner be a 7th Day Adventist or a follower of the Assembly of God than Jewish if Jewishness were dependent upon being a member in good standing of the Israel lobby. Thankfully, it is not.” ~ Weiss

The Conformist (Il Conformista), 1970 UR 111 minutes
In this thought-provoking drama set in 1930s fascist Italy, the government orders Marcello to kill a political refugee who happens to be his college mentor. Marcello obeys and is hence “the Conformist,” a man who’ll do absolutely anything to belong.
Cast: Jean-Louis Trintignant, Stefania Sandrelli, Gastone Moschin, Enzo Tarascio, Fosco Giachetti, José Quaglio, Dominique Sanda, Pierre Clémenti, Yvonne Sanson, Milly, Giuseppe Addobbati, Carlo Gaddi, Umberto Silvestri, Furio Pellerani
Director: Bernardo Bertolucci
Cinematography: Vittorio Storaro
Screenplay: Bernardo Bertolucci
Language: Italian (with an English language audio option – or English subtitles)
Format: DVD
Netflix listing –
Internet Movie Database –
Il Conformista Trailer [VIDEO, 02:58] –
The Conformist: Review by Best Movies, By Farr [VIDEO, 02:38] –

P.S. Be certain to watch the the very informative bonus materials (approx. 40 minutes) wherein Bertolucci, the cinematographer, and the art director discuss various aspects of the film.
There are times in this movie when the cinematography will literally take your breath away! ! !

P.P.S. I was alerted to the significance of The Conformist (Il Conformista) in film history by the following 15 hour documentary series.
The Story of Film: An Odyssey, 2011, NR, 15 Episodes
Average of 27,690 ratings: 3.9 stars
Guided by film historian Mark Cousins, this bold 15-part love letter to the movies begins with the invention of motion pictures at the end of the 19th century and concludes with the multi-billion dollar globalized digital industry of the 21st.
Internet Movie Database –

I deeply respect a Jewish tradition that has survived intact for three thousand years, what others can claim the same? But in that time civilization and technology have advanced so that we are now all part of many tribes: family, political/territorial, scientific, professional, corporate, religious, academic, intellectual, the tribes represented by our favorite sports teams (and, for some, their multiple flocks in the twittersphere, their facebook friends, the blogosphere, and who knows what other cults have organized around various popular TV shows that mean nothing to most of us).

The genius of American Church/State separation was to formally break from the tradition of combining the political/territorial tribal affiliation from the religious one – in recognition that sectarian wars had ravaged Europe and the Middle East for forever – to say, hey, we can build a bigger, better political/territorial/economic tent, if we just respect everyone’s religious (and later racial) diversity. To paraphrase Lincoln, now we are engaged in a great civic debate testing whether that nation, or any nation so liberated from religious tribalism, can long endure (especially today in the face of powerful interests trying to ignite a hundred years war of civilizations between Jews and Christians on the one hand and Islam on the other). For an American, whether Jewish or not, it seems an easy choice – help Israel transition to its inevitable TSS or OSS, but a “normal state,” ending the occupation, halting the human rights abuses, opposing theocracy on principle, becoming a democratic republic of all its citizens.

I reject as hyperbole that Judaism is doomed without Israeli oxygen – is there something in Jewish tradition that turns every single issue into an existential one?

When I was a kid, we used to amuse ourselves practicing free-throws or playing catch, by self-announcing that making this shot or getting this pitch over the plate would win the world championship, would mean an end to world Communism, would bring World Peace, while failure would mean an end to life on Earth as we know it. It made a great ongoing joke. But we always knew it was a joke. I guess we felt secure in our big tent state that respected diversity. If that security is someone else’s threat, then he doesn’t belong here, or anywhere else that decided to build a big tent. Maybe Israel’s prior failures can be overcome with new wisdom gleaned through the ages, but not by following the same rules used two thousand years ago. Not by restoring religious tribalism to political power. That’s Un-American.