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How to beat a morally bankrupt media? Mondoweiss has an answer!

Mondoweiss is one of the only independent English-language publications with a fully staffed newsroom in Palestine. Donate today and make sure millions see the truth with their own eyes.

How can you tell when the media is morally bankrupt?

Look no further than the mainstream media’s biased coverage of events in Palestine over the last few days.

When the media reported Israeli government repression of anti-government protesters in Israel in the last few weeks, liberal Zionists were outraged. Mainstream media hailed brave Israelis for standing up for “democracy.”

But when Israeli forces stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque for two nights in a row, beat Palestinian worshippers, and arrested them en masse, the mainstream media’s bias was on full display.

That’s where Mondoweiss fills the gap. Our video reports have been viewed over 5 million times on social media in the last week alone.

You count on Mondoweiss to bring you the truth. Can we count on you to help fund our next viral video? We need 200 monthly donors to keep up the momentum!

Palestinians are being violently suppressed inside their holy sites during Ramadan, the holiest month of the year for Muslims. But rather than calling it like it is, mainstream media resorts to the usual two-sides narrative, describing the Israeli raids as “clashes” and referring to worshipers inside the mosque as “agitators.”

This video has been viewed over 320,000 times since it was published four days ago.

Outlets like the New York Times, CNN, BBC, Reuters, CBS, and countless others regurgitated Israeli police propaganda almost verbatim in their reporting. This language not only re-writes the facts, but helps justify Israel’s continued dispossession of Palestinians from their homes, land, and sacred spaces.

But people are done with being lied to.

That is why they are turning to sites like Mondoweiss for their news.

What started as a milestone for us is slowly becoming the norm. Our video coverage is going viral. People are seeking out our work and sharing it widely because they know they won’t get the real story anywhere else.

The following video has been viewed over 4 million times since it was published two weeks ago:

Our team is working around the clock. Each video requires fact-checking, translation, and editing. Costs range from $120 for a 60-second video to $5,000 for a long-form investigative video report. Can you become a recurring donor today to bridge this divide between audiences and the truth? Any amount helps.

Israel and the Western media are used to getting their way with English-speaking audiences. But not anymore.

Mondoweiss is one of the only independent English-language publications with a fully staffed newsroom in Palestine. We currently have four people working in the West Bank and Gaza. With your support, we can compensate for the skewed international coverage by giving the world the first-hand reporting that Palestinians deserve.

Donate today and make sure millions see the truth with their own eyes.

Yumna Patel
Yumna Patel is the Palestine News Director for Mondoweiss.

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These are exciting viewership numbers, congratulations!

From personal observation I would add PBS Newshour and NPR radio to the list of corrupted news outlets. The Palestinians are on the front lines of a corrupt system that is also corrupting the US. So Americans also have a strong self-interest in solidarity with the brave Palestinians.

Mondoweiss is playing an extremely important role in documenting, analyzing, and informing people about this situation. This pervasive corruption will only be eliminated by public awareness. Therefore I urge everyone to support the Mondoweiss efforts to the degree they can.

I have made a one-time donation in addition to doubling my monthly donation.
I am always looking to do more.
Yumna Patel is a real treasure!