
Arab Spring

Over 1 Million in Tahrir Square demanding the removal of the regime and for Mubarak to step down. February 9, 2011. (Photo: Jonathan Rashad/Wikimedia)

December 17 marked ten years since Mohammed Bouazizi, a street vendor in Tunis, set himself on fire in an act of defiance and desperation that triggered what would become known as the Arab Spring. Over the course of the last decade we have witnessed revolutions sweep the Middle East and North Africa, but we have also witnessed the sheer might and terror of counter-revolution as well. What are the lessons from the Arab Spring?

U.S. Army Sgt. stands guard duty near a burning oil well in the Rumaylah Oil Fields in Southern Iraq, Apr. 2, 2003. (Photo: US Navy/Wikimedia)

The Anthropocene is a proposed new geological epoch which designates a shift to a planetary age dominated by human impacts across the geological processes of the Earth. But the Anthropocene is about far more than just climate change. It is about an entire system of life, whose design is to maximise resource extraction at the expense of expendable ‘Others’, and it is inseparable from the ceaseless sequence of industrial wars, culminating in today’s permanent state of the endless ‘war on terror’.