
Rashid Khalidi


Columbia undergraduates voted by 61 to 27 percent to divest from companies profiting from Israeli apartheid, and school president Lee Bollinger dismissed the vote as no guide for investment. Bollinger’s statement reminds Rashid Khalidi of what Trump said during the first debate, when he refused to say that he would respect the result of a democratic vote on November 3, thereby confirming his contempt for the democratic process.

Even as UAE clamps down on a poet, its ambassador celebrates tyranny to pro-Israel group. Yousef Al Otaiba: “People always think we don’t pay attention to public opinion inside the Emirates because we are not a democracy, and it’s actually quite the opposite. Because we’re not a democracy we have to be very in tune with what our people want and what the Street feel.”

Steven Cook of the Council on Foreign Relations has an article at Foreign Policy saying that the U.S. should phase out aid to Israel and “end the special relationship” because the peace process has attained its real objective: Israel is established as a secure country with a standard of living rivaling the UK and France, and no real military threat.

Hatim Kanaaneh reviews Rashid Khalidi’s latest work ‘The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine’: “Though I have read a good number of histories of Palestine, I hardly turned a page in Rashid Khalidi’s new book that didn’t surprise me with new and well-documented information about my own history.”

Lis Harris

Lis Harris, author of the superb new book, “In Jerusalem,” spent years trying to learn why Israel has become such an illiberal society. “I don’t believe the problem was started in ‘67 or ‘48 but from the beginning in the Not thinking of the people who were there and what you were doing to them, and what their rights were. It wasn’t always necessarily malign. But it was arrogant.”

Bernie Sanders’s support for Palestinian rights at the Democratic debate Wednesday could not have been expressed “anywhere in the Democratic Party, ever, under any circumstances in the 60s,” Rashid Khalidi says. While Dorothy Zellner says the ongoing divide in the Democratic Party over Palestine is an “ethical” division going back to the Nakba, and there is no point in having a united front that sells out Palestinian rights.