Feith Seeks Rehabilitation. The World Ignores Him

The Washington Independent runs a story by James Risen of the New York Times that makes a half-hearted effort to rehabilitate Douglas Feith. Feith says the piece was killed by the Times.The Washington Independent calls the story “The Return of the Neocons.” What if no one wants them back?

Feith sounds bitter:

Yet it is Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Feith who were left holding the bag
for the failures in Iraq, while pretty much everyone else seems to have
skated from the judgment of history, Feith seethes.

Later the piece devolves into a debate over whether Feith was promoting Chalabi or not. A lot of neocons, for instance Kenneth Timmerman, still love Chalabi. Feith denies he was Chalabi’s exponent. (While in House testimony in ’05, Feith’s mentor Richard Perle said we were “sucked in” to Iraq by double agents of Saddam. Chalabi?)

Who cares about Chalabi? Anyone knew this was a bad idea. Risen won’t go near the real sore here, the Israel-dual-loyalty suggestion, the denunciation of Feith as a Likudnik, by Colin Powell’s former chief of staff, and Feith’s evasion of his own Zionism in his book. 

The commenters at the Washington Independent are not so shy. Betz55 is murderous:

Rummy, Feith, Wolfowitz, and all the other neocon warmongers should
have their medical insurance taken away, then their houses foreclosed,
then their pensions removed. After their wives divorce them, they
should be taken to the Green Zone, made to put on a t shirt and jeans
and forced to walk out of the Green Zone into the streets of Baghdad
where they will have to survive,on their own mind you, for a year,
without aid from any military body. If they makes it through that year,
upon their return, before they loses what jobs they had – they will be
told “funding” dried up, they should be made to testify about their
experiences and grilled about the falsehoods, lies, and pathologically
screwed up excuses they gave the American people about the war in Iraq
from their prison cells.

DallasDem sounds like me:

When, oh when, will liberal Jews (Pro-Israeli’s) like me and mainstream
America wake up to the rule of neo-conservative, pro-Likkud, right
wing, Israeli control of our government? These people are NOT
Americans, but pro-Israeli right wing, fundamentalist monsters, like
the fundamentalist Muslims and Christians. . When will liberal,
progressive American and Israeli Jews, and all Americans from every
race, color and creed, be free? These people are NOT
Americans nor do they care about America. They live for Israel. If they
were any other ethnic group, they would be suspect. Until we have
stopped our fear of being called anti-Semitic, (the true ethnic group
of Palestine and its indigenous peoples), and speak out against the
neo-cons of the Christian and Jewish and Muslim and Christian Right
wing, we will NEVER be a free nation. No other country on Earth has such control over our Government.

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