Jews have replaced WASPs in foreign policy establishment– Heilbrunn in NYT

The Oren trainwreck just keeps on going. The public meltdown is driving a wedge between the Jewish Israeli and American Jewish communities, at long last. God bless you, Ambasador. The New York Times has a sharply-critical review of Michael Oren’s book by Jacob Heilbrunn, editor of the National Interest.

Oren comes off as a tormented character in the review. As a boy, the ’67 war celebration fused in his psyche with his own desire to triumph over his feeling of inadequacy for wearing a leg brace and his rage over images of Jewish helplessness in the Holocaust. And today he is a man “who continues to carry a large chip on his shoulder,” Heilbrunn says, that chip aimed, oddly enough, at Jewish elites in the country he left behind, the United States. Like when Oren takes a crack at the New Yorker and New York Review of Books as “Jewish-edited” journals filled with criticism of Israel.

The odd formulation “Jewish-­edited” suggests that Oren views everything through the lens of ethnic identity. In addition, Oren hastily dismisses the historian Tony Judt as someone who “opposed Israel’s existence.” If anything, Judt’s apprehensions about Israel’s future seem more cogent than ever.

I bet Heilbrunn is talking about Judt saying that there should be one state in Israel and Palestine and Zionism is an anachronism. Pretty guarded, but another signal of elite disaffection with the two-state solution. (Here’s Tony Judt’s idea, published back in 2003,  in the NY Review of Books.)

Heilbrunn makes another whispered declaration here: the official Jewish conversation about Israel has replaced the official American policymaking one:

Israeli-American relations have become the subject of what amounts to an intramural debate. In an earlier era, the American foreign policy establishment was dominated by Arabists from the Ivy Leagues. Now, as the names of various Washington officials, scholars and journalists whiz by in Oren’s memoir, it seems clear that the older WASP establishment has been supplanted by the very ethnic group it once disdained.

Just like Oren said at the 92nd Street Y: often he was one of six Jews sitting in the White House talking about the Palestinian state. Not very fair to Palestinians, obviously.

Of course, Oren wants those Jews to agree, but Heilbrunn says the Jewish consensus is breaking apart:

Far from easing disputes about Israel, however, this development appears to have further envenomed the debate over its destiny. On the one side are traditionally liberal Jews who continue to see Israel as an egalitarian version of America… On the other side are more conservative Jews and Christian evangelicals who believe that this is sentimental piffle. Instead of lecturing Israel, Americans should unflinchingly stand by it — by which they really mean Netanyahu’s Likud — and recognize that peace is an illusion.

Heilbrunn was also very frank in his book on neoconservatism: that neoconservatives were fueled by their resentment of the WASP elites, and their exclusion by them.

The review also casts Oren as a moderate. Some moderate; but that shows how racist and rightwing Israeli political culture is– in the days when South Carolina is taking down its confederate flag, Israel just doubles down on ethnic privilege.

Thanks to Donald Johnson.

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Jews have replaced WASP Arabists on Middle Eastern foreign policy a long time ago. Outside of that realm, I don’t just see it. Sure, you have Tony Blinken but he is hated by everyone from the lobby and he mostly deals with issues like AfPak, SEA, LATAM and so on. And correct me if I am wrong but the two top positions are occupied by Christian Gentiles(Rice & Kerry).

I think this is Heilbrunn’s ethnic chauvinism showing. I think he knows the issue is more complicated but he shares the ethnic resentment he writes about, which is why exaggerates it to brag about it – and why he is such a good guide to the neocons and their liberal brethren(Goldberg, Oren et al) because of this psychological complex he shares with them.

And then there’s this sentence:

On the one side are traditionally liberal Jews who continue to see Israel as an egalitarian version of America… On the other side are more conservative Jews and Christian evangelicals who believe that this is sentimental piffle.

I don’t know how Heilbrunn brands people who see a racist Apartheid state as an “egalitarian vision of America” as somehow “liberal Jews”.
If supporting Apartheid is being a liberal then how do you define racism?

This continues to affirm the level of deep bigotry and xenophobia even among supposed “liberals” in the Jewish establishment – recall the pro-Kahane former heads of the synagogue in your piece yesterday, defending him to this day.

Turns out Zionism didn’t just make bigots out of people over there, there’s plenty of work left on these shores to do as well.

Yes, Oren deserves our thanks!

And bravo to Heilbrunn for speaking some important truths. I’ll also throw a bone to the NYT for carrying his critique.

“Oren comes off as a tormented character in the review. As a boy, the ’67 war celebration fused in his psyche with his own desire to triumph over his feeling of inadequacy for wearing a leg brace and his rage over images of Jewish helplessness in the Holocaust. And today he is a man with a “chip on his shoulder,”…”

Brilliant and spot- on! That “chip” is driving a wedge like never before.

Perhaps now some folks like Oren who’ve experienced such horrors can start to pay attention and show compassion to the surviving Palestinian children and their families who are actually missing limbs and they can’t even get a wheelchair, shelter, or peace in their tormented minds or souls, like these poor folks in Dan Cohen’s report:

“Two-year-old Ahmad Najjar scooted on his rear end across the dirt in front of the shipping container he and his family live in the Gaza farming village of Khuza’a. Unable to walk because of a genetic condition and lacking a wheelchair, Ahmad resorts to dragging himself by his hands. His grandmother, who also can not walk and is blind, sat and wailed inside the container in sweltering heat. “I’m so hot! God help me,” she moaned while rocking back and forth.” – See more at:

Thanks, Phil and Donald.

I’ve been wondering why Oren changed his name from Bornstein, and chose to serve in the IDF when:

“His father was an officer in the U.S. Army who took part in the D-Day invasion of Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge in 1944 and participated in the Korean War”

Does he write anything about that?

From what I can glean:

“Oren \o-ren\ as a boys’ name is pronounced OR-en. It is of Hebrew, Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Oren is “pine tree; fair, pale”

Is that better than:

“Bornstein Meaning: dweller near a stony spring; spring mountain.”

Read more:

I’m curious, because I wonder if the “chip” doesn’t include his own family.

(btw Phil~ in another article you mentioned Jimi Hendrix. Today I read in wiki that: “In 1982, he married Sally Edelstein, who had been born in San Francisco and had immigrated to Israel in 1981. They have three children.[16][17] In a popular article by Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic profiled Sally’s acquaintance with rock stars Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jefferson Airplane, which wrote two songs about her in the 1960s.[18]” ) LOL


“The public meltdown is driving a wedge between the Jewish Israeli and American Jewish communities, at long last ”

What Jewish Israeli-American communities? The far left-wing fringe? And at long last since when? ’67, Eisenhowers days? Frankfurter days? ‘At long last’ seems presumptive but i suppose its relative.

But the ‘wedge’ has always been there. There have always been far left-wing fringe Jews or Jews who count themselves part of an exclusive and progressive ‘elite’ class who have been loud and angry advocates against the vast majority of the Jewish people. This was the case in the time of King David, the Hasmoneans, the Bolshiviks and right now with the BDS Zionist-hating crowd.
I don’t see anything ‘new’ going on or even remotely revolutionary. It is onlytrue that the veneer of civility has been peeled a little further back between the fringe elitists and the majority of liberal, moderate and conservative Zionist Jews. [And that doesn’t even take the large numbers of non-Jewish Zionists into account either. But I can see where one takes their victories where they can.

RE: “The review also casts Oren as a moderate. Some moderate; but that shows how racist and rightwing Israeli political culture is– in the days when South Carolina is taking down its confederate flag, Israel just doubles down on ethnic privilege. “ ~ Weiss


Arieh O’Sullivan displays Confederate flag he took with him when he invaded Lebanon as IDF soldier

• Israeli redneck Arieh O’Sullivan gets his Confederate stripes –

P.S. ALSO SEE: “Love (of Zion) Among the Palestinian Ruins”, by Arieh O’Sullivan,, April 25, 2012