‘Other ways of being Jewish are available’ — a poetic response to expressions of hatred on Facebook

Sometimes it’s easier to say it in verse.

What follows was inspired by reactions to my last two blogs after they were posted on Facebook. The first post was a deconstruction of a pro-Israel rally poster, the second was in the form of a Letter to Anne Frank. The words in italics are all verbatim quotes from Facebook comments, all from fellow Jews.

You might recommend I just stay clear of Facebook. But to have a digital presence on the Israel/Palestine front that’s not really an option.

So here’s my poetic Jewish response.

Other ways of Being Jewish are available

You should be ashamed!

You are a disgrace!

But if you only knew me you wouldn’t say that

You are a fool!

But this is what I thought Being Jewish looked like

Most groups have an extremist self loathing fringe…

It’s true I made a mistake

Just ignore him

A big mistake

Just ignore him

I dragged values, ethics, human rights and obligations

Just ignore him

…into a place where they have no right to be

I thought this is what Being Jewish looked like

Big mistake


I should have known better

Because other ways of Being Jewish are available

Robert Cohen you are a fool of the worst kind

Yes, it’s true

Other ways of Being Jewish are available

All equally valid

In fact

On the whole

Based on the Comments and the Likes

The other ways of Being Jewish

Are more valid than mine


Such is the (un)civil Jewish War

Mate, you need to take your head out of your tuchas

I’ve no idea how it ends

Badly I suspect

I hear the IDF is harvesting brains


Unfortunately they could not find one inside Robert Cohen

If you only knew me you wouldn’t say that


Robert, we both want the same thing

We do?


But is that peace and justice

Or merely peace and quiet

(for you)?

Do you seriously think your pals…

I dragged values, ethics, human rights and obligations

…Are going to give a flying f**k that you’re not like the other Jews??

It’s true

Other ways of Being Jewish are available


I wrote a letter to Anne Frank

It seems he has been brainwashed…

I wasn’t expecting a reply

… by the culture of the sickest people

To ask what she thought of it all

But I did get a reply

This letter is shameful

In fact several

But none from Anne


It must be true

I have read the wrong books

And met the wrong people

The people who

kill their own children

rather than part with their hatred of the Jews

But this response was better than some

The Holocaust deniers

The diary deniers

The Anne Frank deniers

I don’t think they are Jews

But I clearly have a talent

For bringing out

The very best in people.


Robert Cohen you are a disgrace to the Jewish people

Values, ethics, human rights and obligations

I can’t understand the mental disorder kapos like you suffer

If you only knew me you wouldn’t say such things

I dragged values, ethics, human rights…

But it is quite clear

That other ways of Being Jewish are available




And now I’ve hit the big time

I have arrived on the scene

The first bonafide call for my death

I hope you die at the hand of your beloved Muslims

It’s the Jewish(un)civil war

With my values, ethics, human rights and obligations

I have brought




It’s true

Other ways of Being Jewish are available

But if you only knew me you wouldn’t say these things

Actually, maybe you would.

This post first appeared on Patheos site.


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“Most groups have an extremist self loathing fringe… ”

Do we have any reason to suppose this is true? Some groups, perhaps, but most?

back to the basics

as the reality of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict becomes ever more clear

the split between racist and humanist Jews can only widen

racist Jew on the side of the Jewish settlers

humanist Jew on the side of the Palestinians

which side is to prevail depending upon whether the love that underlies humanism

can overcome the hatred so intrinsic to racism

“I hope you die at the hand of your beloved Muslims”

I have seen this comment in various forms all over the internet, especially after the Gaza war. There seems to be an almost mystical hope on the part of racist Jews that the anti-racist Jews will “come to their senses” on the day when their Arab friends turn on them. And that day WILL come because you can never thrust an Arab or Muslim.

One laughable exchanged happened on Dan Cohen’s twitter feed. He had tweeted out something about the situation in Gaza to which someone responded that he should go to Gaza and let the Hamas dudes lynch him. After it was pointed out that Cohen had been to Gaza and had met Hamas people without abuse his detractor had to move the goalposts: Well, you just wait until they have no more use for you, then you’ll be hanging from a telephone pole!

Reality is anti-semitic.

All other matters aside, Robert Cohen has given us a powerful and beautiful poem.

Thank you!

What a beautiful nonviolent response to such Facebook violence. Kudos to you for taking it all with humor and creativity. I’m with you about Anne – she’d be horrified at what has happened in the name of Zionism.