When will American media discover the powerful new religious right?

Yesterday in Israel, 1500 settlers protested any change in Israel’s expansionist policies in the West Bank. "Stop screwing Israel," one sign said. ("Worse than a Palin rally," says Ilene Cohen.) And Rabbi Eliezer Waldman called Obama a racist. Here’s Eliezer Waldman from 2005:

The struggle with our own Jewish brothers is the struggle between Zionism and post-Zionism. Those who want to retreat do not have the strength to stand up to the world. They find it too difficult to take upon themselves Jewish values. Rather, they see Israel as the state of its citizens. Holding onto Yehuda and Shomron and Gaza (Yesha) [Hebrew acronym for occupied territories] is the test case for the classical Zionist process, i.e., renewing Jewish life in all of Israel – and Yesha is the heart of Eretz Yisrael.

Word, rabbi.

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