
What will happen in Bil’in today with the crackdown? Twitter @jvplive

As Rebecca Vilkomerson notes at theonlydemocracy,

This week, the Israeli Army declared the villages of Bil’in and Na’alin closed military zones from 8am-8pm on Fridays for the next six months.  It was announced that any Israeli activist in the villages during those hours would be arrested, foreigners would be deported, and Palestinians from other villages would be jailed.

That means that in a few hours from now, we’ll find out what will happen to the amazing weekly protest in those villages under crackdown.

JVP is partnering with activists on the ground so we can get live updates of what happens.  If you’re on twitter, follow @jvplive for live updates.  Look for the hashtag #israelidemocracy? .  We’ll be recapping and updating regularly here at too

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