Site News

The Mondoweiss community has stepped up, and we thank you!

Just a few weeks ago, Mondoweiss launched a $60,000 summer fund drive to prepare for the upcoming challenges facing accurate, responsible journalism about Palestine and the movement for its liberation.

Thanks to hundreds of generous supporters, we have met and surpassed our goal for this campaign. As we enter our new fiscal year September 1, we have enough resources to tackle the mission that drives us: reporting the truth from Palestine and Israel with as much detail, scope and context as possible to as many people as possible around the world.

We can’t promise that this will be the last time we ask for reader support; in fact, you can be very sure it will not be. The Mondoweiss team, which includes hundreds of writers, photographers, artists and videojournalists, is dedicated to consistent growth and improvement of the news and opinion we deliver. This year, we hope to once again outdo our past record.

But what we can say now is: thank you. Thank you for sharing our belief that informing people everywhere of the truth is an essential and powerful tool in advancing the movement for freedom and justice in Palestine. And thank you for showing us, with your comments and gifts and sharing of our work, that you believe Mondoweiss fulfills its mission well. We will continue to look for ways to improve, and we will continue to ask you for feedback on how we can do better.

Stay tuned for updates on our plans for this coming year and beyond. You, the members of the Mondoweiss community, are not only the audience for our journalism but its reason and the source of its power. We are honored by the confidence you have expressed in our work, and we will strive to live up to your investment in it.

Thanks for helping us move into the next phase as a healthy, growing organization.