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What does it take to support excellent journalism in Israel/Palestine?

We’re midway through “They Fear The Truth—We Report It,” a series focused on showing Mondoweiss readers the risks and costs confronted by reporters and photographers covering the news in Palestine.

With each story, we’ve included an appeal for your donations to support this work. We are grateful that as of today, over 300 generous donors have responded to these appeals, and we’ve made it more than 40% of the way to our $75,000 campaign goal.

But to keep paying brave reporters in the field for the news only they can deliver, Mondoweiss will need hundreds more gifts in the coming days. Mondoweiss is able to publish news from Palestine only because of contributions from people like you.

We’re almost halfway to our goal. Help support fearless journalism in Israel/Palestine today.

This year, we are spending well over $100,000 to recruit, translate, edit and of course pay the freelance journalists who take such risks to share the truth with you and the world. We are a nonprofit operation, with a shoestring budget, and we spend as much as we possibly can to keep reporters and photographers in the field doing their best work.

Please help us support brave journalists like Hamde Abu Rahme, who writes, “During my work as a journalist, I have been injured several times, and detained, beaten and threatened. Despite the constant fear, I didn’t stop reporting. I once tried to leave and put journalism behind me, but my conscience wouldn’t let me.”

Donate buttonYour gift will enable Mondoweiss to continue commissioning valuable articles from people like Ahmad Kabariti, who explains that “Israel’s attempts to neutralize our profession take many forms, from bullying to physical force to bribes.” For Ahmad, Mondoweiss is a “vital…avenue to broadcast our reporting—to defy the efforts to silence us.”

Here’s what we need to complete this funding campaign so Mondoweiss can continue recruiting and publishing talented correspondents on the ground:

  • 15 contributions of $1,000
  • 20 contributions of $500
  • 25 contributions of $200
  • 100 contributions of $125, and
  • 150 contributions of $50.

Which of these levels will work for you? We need you today to invest in the truth and accuracy essential for building a just future in Palestine.

Here are some of the comments of donors to this campaign:

(Image: Carlos Latuff)

“Just so pleased that this site exists to show the harsh realities of the Palestinian people. Thank you!” —Dana Montana Hutchings

“With appreciation for your bravery in compassionate journalism” —Lynne Elizabeth

And Marsha Steinberg left instructions for all her fellow readers: “Care about justice for Palestinians, Mondoweiss is a must have. Kick in, please.”

“To work as a journalist in Palestine means to expect at any moment injury, arrest, or even death,” writes reporter Linda Shalash. “Why do I keep reporting despite the danger and abuse? If I face death in order to help build a better tomorrow—well, there is no more important cause for which to take such a risk.”

When the reporters we work with are putting their bodies on the line, the rest of us are privileged to do whatever we can to keep them going. The rest of the year, you support their work by reading it, sharing it and spreading the word. Today, what we’re asking of you is to contribute financially.

I know that I speak for all involved with Mondoweiss when I say we appreciate immensely the sacrifice our readers make to support the work. Last year, one retiree on a fixed income donated $300, with a note that he’d been saving for months in order to do so.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, and please, keep it up! Your generosity is the key to our persistence.

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I of course won’t donate, but I’ll keep on chuckling whilst reading Weiss’s lamentations about Zionist Jews.

“I of course won’t donate, but I’ll keep on chuckling whilst reading Weiss’s lamentations about Zionist Jews.”

A money donation is nice, I’m sure, but “hits” and “UPVs” (a comment) and “sessions” are essential, too. All the money in the world can’t make those. Your contributions are appreciated.

And “lamentations”! That was a real scorcher, “Grober”! What have Jews to do with “lamentations”?