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Just hours left to support young Palestinian writers

Great news: another donor has joined our fundraising challenge. As of now, we will receive $100 for every new recurring donor at any level! The deadline for this amazing opportunity is today, so we need you to act now so we can unlock these funds for up to 50 recurring gifts—please don’t make us leave $5,000 on the table! Commit to a monthly gift today.  If you are already a monthly donor, we thank you and hope you will share with friends.

This week, we at Mondoweiss have been highlighting some extraordinary people: youth in Gaza who work with the project We Are Not Numbers to sharpen their prose for publication.  And we’ve asked you to step up to support this valuable project and its partnership with Mondoweiss. If you already have, THANK YOU!

We are very proud that for years Mondoweiss has shared the words of these writers with you and tens of thousands of other readers. And we are fortunate because two generous donors have challenged our readers to contribute now in support of Mondoweiss, We Are Not Numbers, and the writers whose work we publish. These donors will give $100 for every new monthly gift that one of our readers commits to by the end of today.

To understand the value of what Mondoweiss does with We Are Not Numbers, take Mahmoud Alnaouq, a student of English language and literature at Gaza’s Al-Aqsa University. Mahmoud also works as a translator for the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor. After Israeli planes killed one of his brothers in 2014, Mahmoud decided to devote his life to helping people and working toward his country’s independence. He considers writing the most effective way to change minds and change the world.

Thanks to We Are Not Numbers, Mahmoud and his counterparts work with professional authors and journalists from around the world to improve their writing. In the four years since the project launched, hundreds of stories written by these talented young writers have been published. Mondoweiss shares stories from this project with you and thousands of other readers. Early this year, for example, we published an important analysis Mahmoud wrote, drawing parallels between U.S. policy toward Gaza and Venezuela.

Mahmoud Alnaouq
Mahmoud Alnaouq

Please sign up today as a monthly donor. Your support allows young writers like Mahmoud to experience a form of freedom, even while living in an open-air prison. Their bodies are constrained by walls, fences, illegitimate laws and collective punishment. But Mahmoud and his colleagues soar over those walls when their words go to faraway lands, where readers like you can share them to change minds.

We know it can get tiring to be asked for donations—and after today, we’ll stop for a while. But if we are to continue the work you value—if we are to continue informing the world about the reality of life in Palestine—the only way we can do it is through reader support. So we are asking you one more time today to help us collect the matching dollars promised by supporters who see the urgent need to spread the truth. With your help, we can make a difference.

Your commitment today to monthly gifts can enable us to continue delivering firsthand expressions of Palestinian youth to a very large audience—thus helping both the writers and you, the readers of their work. But if giving every month doesn’t fit for you, please consider a one-time donation today. Our partnership with We Are Not Numbers is just one example of the way that Mondoweiss has an impact, not only in the news we share but in the lives of people on the ground in Palestine. Your help today can increase that impact.