Media Analysis

Turning grief into energy for change: For 24 hours your gift to Mondoweiss can be multiplied!

I have a confession. It’s my job to gather people like you around the cause of justice in Palestine. It’s my responsibility to marshal your energies and funds to strengthen Mondoweiss’s contribution to that cause. But in these dark times, I myself am often discouraged. The shootings in the U.S. and the constant Israeli violence push me toward despondency. I’m writing now to share with you the simple, generous acts that have restored me to hope and action.

In recent weeks, I have met activists from around the globe, who have reminded me that we *can* and *must* use journalism to fight back against atrocities in Palestine as well as the U.S. corruption and racism that enable them. I’m writing so you can hear the voices that have revived my commitment and energy for this work.

First, I must tell you of the remarkable offer from five Mondoweiss supporters, who are pulling together today to challenge you and others. These five people are offering up to $3,000 to match every gift we receive in the next 24 hours—a 1:1 match for gifts from prior donors, and a 2:1 match for new donors!

That means if you have invested in Mondoweiss before, you can effectively double your donation; if you’re new to supporting Mondoweiss news and analysis, you can triple your impact.

Donate today!

Please give now so we don’t have to leave any of the challenge funds on the table. Our generous supporters understand that in the wake of the Tree of Life shooting, there is a risk that American Jews will turn inward and become even more attached to Zionist myths that Israel promotes Jewish safety. They understand that Mondoweiss tackles that risk by representing the range of opinion among U.S. Jews—by reporting every day on so many different voices about anti-Semitism and its relation to Islamophobia.

The generosity of our current challenge donors is part of what has restored my hope. I am honored that they believe in the value of Mondoweiss’s truth-telling. And I know they would want me to express my gratitude also to the other activists who have re-energized me over the past few weeks.

Like hundreds of you, I attended the conference of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights in St. Paul, Minnesota, which inspired me both in the formal programming and the sheer brilliance and passion of conversations swirling everywhere.

And after the conference, I spent eight days in meetings in the San Francisco Bay Area and around Los Angeles. Wow! The dozens of people I spoke to renewed my belief not only in activism as a powerful tool for change in Palestine, but also in Mondoweiss as a specific resource for that work.

Here are some of the comments I received over this trip:

“I am a big admirer of the contributions and moral/political clarity of Mondoweiss, and would like to be as supportive as possible.”

“I read Mondoweiss on a regular basis and learn a lot as well as gain inspiration from learning what other Palestinian solidarity activists are up to. Thank you and all the hard working staff for making it happen!”

“Amilcar Cabral, the African anti-colonial hero, said ‘Tell no lies and claim no easy victories.’ I wanted to tell you that I particularly appreciated your effort to be honest about the organization’s strengths and weaknesses.”

Mondoweiss is one of my favorite outlets and I share stories almost daily from your list of articles.”

“I would love for more people to read Mondoweiss!”

Each of these people dug deep to contribute financially. A few more ways folks described Mondoweiss to me recently: “brave and necessary,” “vital and vibrant,” “So important, especially right now.” And, most dear to me just now: “ I deeply appreciate Mondoweiss. It is the work of people like you that helps me maintain hope that things may change for the better.”

If you value the stories, photos and videos Mondoweiss delivers—the news and commentary that is nowhere to be found in mainstream media, please give today to multiply your impact.

And everyone I met with provided suggestions and ideas for how to increase our impact. Within the next few months, we will announce some exciting developments for Mondoweiss that should enable us to provide more information for more people, more effectively.

Over weeks, months, years, you have read in Mondoweiss about Palestinians’ sacrifices and courage. And you have seen a more complex picture of U.S. Jews than the Zionist establishment wants visible. Please give today to keep these stories coming.

Donate today!

And if, like me, you are sometimes daunted, I hope you can find even a fraction of the inspiration I feel now from the commitment of others. I am grateful to those who believe in Mondoweiss as a key part of the fight for justice in Palestine. Alone, we can be discouraged. Together, we are a legion for truth.

Please help us maximize the impact of this 24-hour challenge. Please donate now to support Mondoweiss, and Palestine news the world needs.

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Donation made. Small, but it will do some good, I know.

Donation made.  :-)

I’m in.
As a prior donor I do wonder why my contribution is only matched 1:1 whereas new donors matched 2:1 !?